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Alright, those who consider them damn good in dogfighting...I need help

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  • Alright, those who consider them damn good in dogfighting...I need help

    Since I came home from vacation, I have been trying to execute this joystick-only manuever that gives you tremendous advantage in dogfights. The best way I could describe it is that the plane slows down, makes a tight turn, and quickly gets behind the enemy aircraft. This is devestating when dogfights quickly become the classic Round and Round chases. I suspect the use of rudder is used and at a certain precentage of the throttle is used.

    Whenever I try this I slow down and only make a very slow sluggish turn that I just make myself vulneruble.

  • #2
    Re: Alright, those who consider them damn good in dogfighting...I need help

    well if you figure it out then let me know

