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Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

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  • Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

    Offcourse when you are a squad leader with a good squad, you get teamswapped by the so lovely autobalance.

    OK, so I am on the other team.
    Now, every teammember is red tagged and every enemy is blue tagged, also, I can't cape enemy flags anymore, and when killing an enemy is got a teamkill

    those things are the proof that the programmers at DICE are to :cry: :cry: for

  • #2
    Re: Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

    Wow? I didnt even think there was an AutoTeam Balance..


    • #3
      Re: Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

      I never believed in the red tag bug. I just thought people used it as a lame excuse after teamkilling by accident. But I've xperienced it a cple days ago myself so i'm a believer now. It took me at least 7 teamkills before i noticed sumthing was wrong though

      I also think the bug has to do domething with teamswitching like you said.


      • #4
        Re: Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

        When was this tagging bug found?

        I've only noticed it in the past few days of playing. I also think its not just when you switch teams, but when another player does so. I've been playing a game as China since the start of the round only to have a team mate spawn next to me tagged in red, shortly followed be my TK'ing them.

        This is one of those bugs that's more than just an annoyance as it throws your stats off.


        • #5
          Re: Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

          that is a serious issue that i hope they fix soon

          there's nothing worse than killing someone on your own team because he showed up red and most people don't believe it and punish you anyway

          or the ones who show up as friendlies and you die because you don't know

          i had an instance where my friend was flying the cobra i was gunning and the MEC chopper was coming at us he kept yelling at me to shoot and i kept saying no so he ended up killing him with rockets and got a TK from what my screen said well this went on for a while finally i just started killing the guy and every time i did it said i TKd him and i lost points because my <TAB> screen showed him as being on our team and even in our squad so we took screens and compared them and he was showing up on both sides one on my game and the other on my friendsthat kind of bug needs to be stomped on quick


          • #6
            Re: Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

            Originally posted by m0rd0
            When was this tagging bug found?
            It's been around since the demo. Though I've only had it personally happen to me once, was yesterday. Luckily I realised what was going on before I killed him or hurt him much for that matter.


            • #7
              Re: Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

              Originally posted by BarkingSquirrel
              It's been around since the demo. Though I've only had it personally happen to me once, was yesterday. Luckily I realised what was going on before I killed him or hurt him much for that matter.
              Indded, from the very first beginning of the gqme.

              It make me wunder what the dam testing team was actualy doing. EA showed us pictures before the game was out of like 80 PC's with 80 noobs in some room, all testing battlefield.


              • #8
                Re: Wrong tagging bug is even wurse then I asumed.

                If by "testing battlefield" you actually mean "picking their noses while collecting a paycheck" then yeah I agree. There's simply no way all these things got through testing without being spotted, nor is there an excuse for it.

