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forgiving system ??

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  • forgiving system ??

    The system now when you teamkill someone is :

    -4 points when forgiving
    -6 points for punish

    when doing nothing, it's alway punish.

    But sometimes when some guy teamkills me, and it is completely my fault, I offcourse forgive him, but still he gets -4 , make me feel guilty.
    Maybe it should be

    - doing nothing is -4 points
    - punishing is -6 points
    - forgiving is -2 points

    Punishing should actualy be -6 points because else people will kill you when

    you run up to a flag point and there are o enemy's, some other teammember is behind you, he shoots you so he can cape the flag, meaning he gets 4 points, so such teamkilling may never earn points but must cost you more points then it can earn you.

    BIG point here is, that forgiving should be -2 instead of -4 , it is forgiving, not less punishing

  • #2
    Re: forgiving system ??

    I know exactly what you mean about feeling guilty for TK's that you know are 100% your fault. In my case, it's always due to lag: I'll run toward a moving vehicle diligently holding down my 'E' key, but right at the last second, every so often, the server will lag, and the next thing I know the poor driver is credited for TK'ing me.

    I always forgive, of course, and I apologize profusely telling him I lagged, but in the end, he still got docked -4 points for something that absolutely was not his fault.

    Because of this, I think that if one chooses to forgive, zero points should be deducted.


    • #3
      Re: forgiving system ??

      I don't think anyone'll argue with that.


      • #4
        Re: forgiving system ??

        I agree, zero points deducted for forgiving. Sometimes i just cant figure out what the game developers were thinking. They may have college degrees but they got no common sense


        • #5
          Re: forgiving system ??

          I agree with the lose nothing if forgiven, I always thought you lost 4 points if you were punished, but then I do try to avoid tking so didnt really notice.


          • #6
            Re: forgiving system ??

            Zero points... agreed. I'm with yous guys. I don't know what DICE was thinking.

