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who is ..?

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  • who is ..?

    going to try and get all expert bagdes and all the medals and ribbons

    Prove to us that you are an UBER-GEEK!

    Me.. heck no.

    -Basic knife
    -Veteran pistol
    -Veteran in every class seems possible. 40 kills in 1 round.. too high as most games are done by the time I get 20+ kills.
    -Basic Explosives Ordinance Badge
    -Basic ground defence
    -Expert 1st aid
    -Expert engineer
    -Expert resupply
    -Expert command badge
    -Expert Armor Badge
    -Basic Transport Badge is enough for me. 2000 Driver Ability Points ?? come on...
    -Basic Helicopter Badge .. maybe more if I ever learn to fly it...
    -Basic Aviator Badge same as above 3 is the most kills I got in it.
    -Basic Air Defense Badge

    I can get maybe 11 out of all the ribbons.
    As for the special medals like the purple heart and so on... Most will come by just playing. So I'll take what I get I guess

  • #2
    Re: who is ..?

    I'm not damn it's to much to do in less then 6 months and after i'm out of the Navy I don't think I will play BF2 like I do right now.


    • #3
      Re: who is ..?

      Watch out for those red-shirts... they like to drop warheads on foreheads!


      • #4
        Re: who is ..?

        Originally posted by ThyNecromancer
        going to try and get all expert bagdes and all the medals and ribbons

        Prove to us that you are an UBER-GEEK!

        Me.. heck no.

        -Basic knife
        -Veteran pistol
        -Veteran in every class seems possible. 40 kills in 1 round.. too high as most games are done by the time I get 20+ kills.
        -Basic Explosives Ordinance Badge
        -Basic ground defence
        -Expert 1st aid
        -Expert engineer
        -Expert resupply
        -Expert command badge
        -Expert Armor Badge
        -Basic Transport Badge is enough for me. 2000 Driver Ability Points ?? come on...
        -Basic Helicopter Badge .. maybe more if I ever learn to fly it...
        -Basic Aviator Badge same as above 3 is the most kills I got in it.
        -Basic Air Defense Badge

        I can get maybe 11 out of all the ribbons.
        As for the special medals like the purple heart and so on... Most will come by just playing. So I'll take what I get I guess
        each veteran cclass badge requires 250 hours for that class. and expert armour is like 1000 hours in a tank

        im hoping to get veteran helicopter and veteran armour which are 100 hours in each. 2000 driver ability points isnt hard to get. infantry combat medal will be the only medal ill get. im gonna also try and get veteran commander eventually.

        unless bf2 lives for 5 years, i guarantee no one will have all of the expert badges


        • #5
          Re: who is ..?

          basic vehicle badges are the easiest badges to get, most you just need to be in the vehicle for the badge for like 10 min(transport, aviator, air defense, helicopter)

          most people will never get an expert badge so dont worry if you dont


          • #6
            Re: who is ..?

            Only an idiot will. I doubt anyone well ever have more than half of them EVER, EVER I TELL YOU EVER!!!!


            • #7
              Re: who is ..?

              Nope, I dont play THAT much.


              • #8
                Re: who is ..?

                Probably there will be only 1 expert kit badge per person for the kit they play the most, and another badge if that kit is a team kit. I am positive that no one will get all of them, nor half, nor even a quarter of them all. People will get bored of the game before that happens


                • #9
                  Re: who is ..?

                  I guess people will get them all gradually as they play over the years.


                  • #10
                    Re: who is ..?

                    You'd have to play this game so damn much to get veteran badges other than knife or pistol. If you play the game long enough you should get one veteran badge in the kit you play the most, but certainly not more than that. EA went a little overboard IMO in terms of rank requirements and especially medal/badge req's.


                    • #11
                      Re: who is ..?

                      i really don't think they were designed to be something everyone could get the awards are supposed to be kind of class specific and are goals to strive for in the jobs that suit you best i think i will probably get all the ribbons but the medals never and as far as the badges go the only veteran or expert badges i could see myself ever getting would be medic, first aid, helicopter, and aviator maybe a few others but knives or pistols forget it


                      • #12
                        Re: who is ..?

                        Wow, i'm never even going to reach veteran, i've only played for 20 hours by now, but i'm content, the only reasons i play are, C4 and G36C for spec Ops, Defibs for medic, and ammo bags for support. I don't care much else, i just play for fun, after i reach Sergeant, i'm just going to sit back, and relax.

