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Tactics.. When will people learn?????

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  • Tactics.. When will people learn?????

    When I go online, I generally play in the same squad with a group of mates, we arent a clan, we just team up all the time.

    We generally work as a Team, as a squad should, and as most good suads we have developed our own little tactics for things.

    Point 1.

    I hear people complain about people whoring it up in black hawks.. well we had an opposition who were doing that, but in changing our tactics we were able to easily combat it and actually change the way the other team played.

    We C4'd up our Mec choppers and went hunting, flying into fully loaded choppers and setting off the C4. I know a lot of people will complain about this tactic but its not against the server rules we play on and it was rather affective in preventing the other team winning by whoring up the choppers.

    After about 2 rounds of this, they changed Tactics, they gave up trying, we took away their most powerful asset and managed to win a few rounds..

    Point 2

    In trying to get my explosives badge, after many rounds of not getting it i decided to pile C4 on my jeep and well see how many tanks i could run into and destroy.

    Again people may complain about this but hey, it happens on a daily basis in the world today as it is.

    ANYWAY on the Kurbra Dam map, we had all the flags, the US were stuck up in their hilly area, i would take my jeep, loaded with C4, I would drive in under the long bridge and around the back of their base, every time i went in i managed to run into a moving tank ram it and BANG 2 kills.

    Nothing majorly ground braking i know, but, I did this 11 times, time after time after time, i even killed the same 2 guys 3 times, but no one actually bothered to even mine the other path, to protect their base.

    I know if they had, i probab would have tried 2 times, failed and gave up, but they didnt..

    In summary, no matter what someone does in the game, no matter how unbalanced a weapon or vehicle maybe, there is always a way to combat it, think out side the square...

    Does anyone else use team based tactics?

  • #2
    Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

    Why would they mine one of only two ways for them to leave their base?


    • #3
      Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

      1. They werent even leaving that way.

      2. They wouldnt have to mine the who area, when its hilly its easy to hide mines in a way that your own team knows about them and no the other.


      • #4
        Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

        Every tactic you shared here is basicly a lone wolf tactic... Or do you use full MEC transport to C4/ram Blackhawks or drive full packed FAV to an enemy tank? Just curious...


        • #5
          Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

          Originally posted by AusVirtualPaul
          When I go online, I generally play in the same squad with a group of mates, we arent a clan, we just team up all the time.

          We generally work as a Team, as a squad should, and as most good suads we have developed our own little tactics for things.

          Point 1.

          I hear people complain about people whoring it up in black hawks.. well we had an opposition who were doing that, but in changing our tactics we were able to easily combat it and actually change the way the other team played.

          We C4'd up our Mec choppers and went hunting, flying into fully loaded choppers and setting off the C4. I know a lot of people will complain about this tactic but its not against the server rules we play on and it was rather affective in preventing the other team winning by whoring up the choppers.

          After about 2 rounds of this, they changed Tactics, they gave up trying, we took away their most powerful asset and managed to win a few rounds..

          Point 2

          In trying to get my explosives badge, after many rounds of not getting it i decided to pile C4 on my jeep and well see how many tanks i could run into and destroy.

          Again people may complain about this but hey, it happens on a daily basis in the world today as it is.

          ANYWAY on the Kurbra Dam map, we had all the flags, the US were stuck up in their hilly area, i would take my jeep, loaded with C4, I would drive in under the long bridge and around the back of their base, every time i went in i managed to run into a moving tank ram it and BANG 2 kills.

          Nothing majorly ground braking i know, but, I did this 11 times, time after time after time, i even killed the same 2 guys 3 times, but no one actually bothered to even mine the other path, to protect their base.

          I know if they had, i probab would have tried 2 times, failed and gave up, but they didnt..

          In summary, no matter what someone does in the game, no matter how unbalanced a weapon or vehicle maybe, there is always a way to combat it, think out side the square...

          Does anyone else use team based tactics?

          if by tatics you mean ... fight cheese with cheese then maybe you are right. But that is far from tatics in my mind.

          Fighting blackhawks with co-ordinated AT and Ground support vehicles = tatics, ramming them with other helo's != tatics. Ramming tanks with c4 jeeps != tatics when they have little or no other place to go you know where they are and where they are coming from.

          Sorry this is far from 'tatical' you are just as bad as they are lol


          • #6
            Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

            wait, so if i take my jeep full of C4, and just run full speed in2 an enemy tank, itll blow up ? bc the last badge i need is explosives ordinance. also, if the tank shoots and blows u up, the C4 will detonate,thus killing the tank? That will get u kills ?


            • #7
              Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

              (sarcasm warning) "When will ppl learn????? I was spawn raping in an enemy base and still they kept spawning there all the time."

              Man.. that is the lamest post in a long time..

              "Again people may complain about this but hey, it happens on a daily basis in the world today as it is."

              An excuse for everything... "If i'm low on money i go rob some ppl on the street nearby. Ppl may complain about this but hey, it happens..."

              Just about all of those "tactics" are somewhat questionable, lone-wolfish and the kind that makes me change server when i see it.

              And i disagree about that mining part too. Strange that they couldn't hit you with a tank before u drove into them, but still... why should they mine up the few exits of a base that cannot be captured anyways (and yes i did read the previous reply to this question).

              Don't drive into the main base unless you're going to destroy the enemy commanders assets. If you have all the flags, defend them locally. It's ok to use common sense and not do everything that's not spesificly prohibited in the server rules.


              • #8
                Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                that aint realli tactics....more of counters and threats, like when u find out someione stole your wallet so u go steal his


                • #9
                  Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                  Hey you guys, u c how ur Sig has all ur awards and everything, like ur score and all? is that like a special clan and/or server thing that allows u to track ur stats down? Bc i really want mine, i have like almost all ribbons and all badges and stuff.


                  • #10
                    Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                    Let's all be reasonable here... in regards to BF2, these kinda' do qualify as tactics.

                    If we look at them from a perspective of logic, no, kinda' retarded. But! In the confines of this game; seems reasonable to me. I wouldn't be caught dead doing it, but, I can understand why he felt his suggestions where, " Team Tactics ".



                    • #11
                      Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                      Planting a C4 on your chopper is too much work, all you do is ram it into the blackhawk, works great on Mashtuur City and gets them very angry


                      • #12
                        Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                        I have never noticed when someone suicide rams me with C4 on their fav if they get C4 kills or just the [killed]. Can anyone explain.


                        • #13
                          Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                          yes, when u c the [Killed] it means that some type of explosive or tank/APC/Car, has blow up your car/humv/tank/APC etc, and u are NOT inside it. U are standing outside the vehicle, and the blast from the car explosion kills you. C4 kill would b if u were inside the vehicle, at the time of detonation.


                          • #14
                            Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                            Originally posted by Sir. RoadRunner2006
                            Planting a C4 on your chopper is too much work, all you do is ram it into the blackhawk, works great on Mashtuur City and gets them very angry
                            Planting a t90 shell in the side tends to be more fun.

                            I like starting off really quick (as my machine is very fast at loading and verifying data I get on the map usually first) taking a voddy to the SW base and getting a t90 fairly fast then going off out to the south near the bridge and waiting for the enevatable BH to come along... so satisfying watching 4 guys fall dead as your shell hits the crew compartment then the BH flying off only to explode from the MG fire from the secondary weapon.


                            • #15
                              Re: Tactics.. When will people learn?????

                              What tactics? There is nothing about TACTICS in your post. There is nothing about squadwork/teamwork in your post.

                              You mean, bringing down BH by ramming is "tactics"? No, it means you can't play in a squad.

                              Is also "tactics" when idiots ram planes into my attack chopper? Or into vehicles on the ground?

                              I pitty those who need such "tactics". But hey, if it's fun for them, so be it. I then switch to other servers.

