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can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

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  • can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

    Im nearing my first weapon unlock and if you guys could comment on the advantages for each one and if they're worth it, it would be very helpful. Also, please use the class names as well since i dont know the weapon names.

  • #2
    Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

    From what I have heard (which is very little):

    The Assault Unlock is generally a step down from the original (though some people do like it)

    The Anti Tank weapon is good at short range (this is what I chose to unlock, and it is far better than the rifle that you start off with)

    Hope my VERY limited knowledge helped a bit


    • #3
      Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

      spec ops, low recoil, ok damage, insanly accurate, normal rof (WORTH IT!)
      medic, freaking high recoil, good damage, insanly accurate on single shot, normal rof (worth it if you can use well, test it out first)
      assult, lose nade launcher, 20 round clip, massive damage, accurate as hell, high rof (i personly think its worth it but many noobzors that need the nade laucher to kill say its not worth it)
      anti tank, auto shotgun nouf said, close range only (meh worth it if u play anti tank)
      engineer, same as above (meh pistol is better to use then either unlock or default)
      sniper, less accurate more damage but no 1 hit kill, armor penitrating, (not really worth it in most ppls opinion)
      support, good damage and accuracy, sluggish rof for the weapon (worth it)


      • #4
        Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

        thanks for the quick replies, anyone have any other opinions on what is useful?


        • #5
          Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

          PKM it's just bad ass

          G36C accurate and gets the job done...


          • #6
            Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

            Don't get the engineer gun or the medic gun, they are both useless. The anti tank is only good for close range so I wouldn't get that either. The assault gun is probably the best in the game, but it doesn't have a nade launcher, so its up to you if you would like it without the nade launcher. The G36 is INSANELY accurate but very low damage. The PKM is so powerful, but due to its inaccuracy you have to stay prone, but its a big upgrade from the orignials. The sniper is SO MUCH of an upgrade from the chinese and MEC snipers and I like it better than the american sniper as well.

            In my opinion, get the assault, sniper, or support unlock. But its up to you because it depends on which class you like, but these three are the best. If you're not into sniping get one of the other two. The assault is the sickest gun in the game, and the support unlock is a huge upgrade from the original support guns. Pick out of those three if you know whats best for ya!


            • #7
              Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

              What class do you like to play, or like the look of and think looks fun? Most of the unlocks are round about as good as the originals, but some of them tend to change the playstyle of the kit.

              For example, the Medic unlock tends to change the play of the medic from an assaulter/medic to a sniper/medic as the medic unlock gun is a good singleshot gun with a good scope.

              The anti-tank unlock gives you a shotgun which gives you a huge boost to your close combat potential, so you're going to want to get upclose and personal. Personally I love the anti-tank unlock, as the combination of rapid-fire shotgun and body armour makes you a beast in upfront assaults, while you retain the rockets for knocking out vehicles and choppers, and if you play a bit with the pistol, you get good at medium range too where the pistol is a fine gun.

              The assault unlock gives you hand grenades instead of a grenade launcher, and basically turns you into a pretty decent middlerange rifleman.

              The engineer unlock is basically halfway between the USA pump shotgun and the MEC semi-auto saiga12k shotgun. Ie faster but less damage than the pump, slower but more damage than the MEC shotty. Also, to get an idea of the anti-tank shotgun, it's very similar to the MEC engineer shotty, but holds 12 rounds, not 7.

              Spec ops trades the scope for ironsights and better accuracy, slightly slower ROF i believe.

              Sniper is a bolt action with a little bit less accuracy than the USA bolt action, but ignores body armour and bulletproof glass. It's good if played as a shorter ranged sniper who's closer in support of his squadmates.


              • #8
                Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                well i play medic and special forces a lot, and i figure i wanna play sniper but the current gun seems way underpowered. i like the idea of support but the gun sux


                • #9
                  Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                  Not the g3, it's unaccurate and the reload time is horrible. (long)


                  • #10
                    Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                    Dont Get The Medic Gun, Please


                    • #11
                      Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                      Sniper - garbage. Shoot through glass. WOW!
                      AT - good if you play alot of urban maps with this class (CQC) otherwise
                      dont bother
                      Engineer - i have this gun and love it. mows down people like nobodies
                      business, but after 1 or 2 guys you have to reload
                      Medic - useless. the medic is supposed to be at the front lines healing/
                      reviving, and staying back scoped is not gonna help you get points. i
                      never use this
                      SpecOps - better than stock weapons (in terms of accuracy) but not much
                      of an upgrade
                      Assault - lose the noobcannon (the only appealing thing about this class) NO
                      Support - havent tried this out but heard good and bad things about it


                      • #12
                        Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                        I love the G3 but it's better used on bigger maps. Though It is good in close ranger chances are if there are 2 or 3 gusy your toast.

                        Medic Gun is great. Very acurate and 3 kill damge on average. Single shot is normally 98% dead on.


                        • #13
                          Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                          Search for the topics that tell you how to unlock all your weapons in singleplayer and try them out for yourself.


                          • #14
                            Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                            I have the assault, support and medic unlocks... and to be honest I don't use any of them much (if at all) any more.


                            • #15
                              Re: can you guys say what weapon unlocks are good?

                              Well the spec ops gun is probably considered to be more of an "upgrade" than the others, most people don't mind losing the laser-scope and like the better spmmability of the weapon. But it's also probably the gun that offers the least variation to the original when compared to the other unlocks.

                              Medic gun is very different to the other rifles. Which may mean if you like the other rifles a lot, you won't like the medic gun. It takes a bit to put people down with it, its a bit like a poor mans autosniper, but better up close than the autosniper is, and better at range than the other assault rifles. Zoom and prone and go for the head to inflict the damage.

