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Slowdown I can't make sense of.

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  • Slowdown I can't make sense of.

    I have a 6800 Ultra, on an Nforce 2, with 1 gig of 333 Dual Channel, and an Athlon XP 2800. I use built in AC97 Audio, and the latest standard Nvidia drivers all around. Windows XP Pro.

    I use medium sound quality software mode sound with EAX turned off. I use 1024*768*32 85hz with all settings on high, save texture filtering which is on Low, with 4x AA. I have externally forced Vsync(I hate tearing). My computer has no extra boot ups in MSCONFIG, and I have it swept clean as far as spyware and virus.

    Most of the time the game runs smooth as butter. It may not be 60 FPS, but it is very smooth and constant, and doesn't hinder me in normal play. However, often for no reason, I will drop to far(FAR) below 1 FPS. Now, I know what you are imagining. I am looking out over a large complex scene, or a large number of vehicles or players when the slowdown occurs, but this is not the case. It is completely random and arbitrary, I often have smooth FPS when a lot of stuff is going on. The sound goes INSANE when these jarring FPS stops happen, and it scrambles and loops. The HDD light is not thrashing even in the slightest when this happens. Any idea what could be going on?

  • #2
    Re: Slowdown I can't make sense of.

    Any AV running that could be causing it? Or is your PB been manually updated?


    • #3
      Re: Slowdown I can't make sense of.

      i have somethign liek that happen on my laptop when im playing a online MMORPG for a while....i have no idea what causes it


      • #4
        Re: Slowdown I can't make sense of.

        welcome to BF2!

        I have the 100% exact same problems as you, it must be a bug that causes these slowdowns

        its not the cpu, because I checked it and its not even getting to 60% cpu usage at all

        I bet it has something to do with the shaders, because everytime I delete the shaders I can play smooth longer, than loading the game and using already optimized shaders. if the game wouldnt be so addictive, I wouldnt care and wait for the 1.03 patch, until then I delete as often as needed the shaders and enjoy the rare smooth time


        • #5
          Re: Slowdown I can't make sense of.

          Do you have dynamic light and dynamic shdows on high also?
          Although you have a 6800Ultra, those 2 settings do hog a lot of resources.


          • #6
            Re: Slowdown I can't make sense of.

            Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
            Do you have dynamic light and dynamic shdows on high also?
            Although you have a 6800Ultra, those 2 settings do hog a lot of resources.
            While I certainly respect your reply, I must point out that this is not "slowdown" in the sense that you are thinking. That would make sense if I was having general bad performance, but it's not like that at all. I have since then increased my AGP aperture to 256 MB, which has done wonders. It hasn't fully solved the problem, but the "Spikes" of slowdown have turned into "Bumps." Now I do all high, 1600x1200x32 x4xAA faster than I was doing those previous settings. All in all the game is playable, but the sudden jarring slowdowns still get me killed from time to time. It's like playing a soldier who has seizures

