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TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

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  • #46
    Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

    TG reppen


    • #47
      Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

      We actually enforce a lot of those on our Ranked server like No camping uncappable mains till last flag. Camping uncappable mains is very noob. Only Spec Ops should go into an uncappable main to blow commander assets then leave. Its only acceptable if its the last flag to camp the main to finish the game.

      Intentional tk'ing to take vehicles = getting kicked faster than you know. We do not accept tk'ing at all. Even if you were just mucking around at the end of a game with a few tickets left and you tk a team mate on purpose = kicked and/or banned. Accidental tk's happen but must be followed by an apology. Do it twice and no apology each time and we will kick you.

      Tk punishing for an accident or your own stupidity. This is probably the most frustrating problem with BF2. You get 1 warning only if done a 2nd time you get kicked. There is no need to ever tk punish on our server because we will kick the tk'ers so tk punishing is obsolete.

      Ramming/suicide bombers is also noob and we don't tolerate that either. Sure it can be accidental so we have some leeway in that but someone who hops in a jet and only rams cause they can't bomb or hit anything with heatseekers is a noob and we consider it to be a griefing tactic. Strap C4 to a jeep we have leeway on that too but if someone constantly does it and dies everytime, they can play elsewhere. For those do that it skillfully and don't die we have no probs with that.

      Bunny hopping - we don't currently have that as a rule because we don't come across too many who do it. The players with skill don't need to bunny hop but if we get a complaint about someone doing it constantly we would consider it because bunny hopping is ***.

      Bad mouthing/swearing at an admin = kicked and or banned. Swearing occassionally we put up with as frustration can lead to expletives but someone who uses offensive racist remarks gets instantly banned. An example if this would be n*gger = instant ban.

      Stat padding = instant ban but may come after we knife or shock paddle you 1st!

      Taking off in vehicles by yourself and ignoring requests for a pickup = getting kicked. We also encourage people to pick people up along the way who may be walking because we all know that if people take off in vehicles by themselves then there are not enough to go around and it can be a long walk to get into the action.

      Commanders who fly in planes either get asked to command properly or resign if they don't they get kicked. A commander should be commanding not flying a plane. You cannot command and fly a plane at the same time.

      We also try and encourage people that if you see 2 guys knife fighting don't go for the cheap kill by shooting one of them. Let them have their fun then if the enemy wins pull your knife out and have a go yourself. Knifing/Shock paddling is highly encourage cause its a heap of fun.

      That about sums up the basic rules we play by and enforce on our ranked server. We do this to make the game enjoyable for all. People keep coming to play on our ranked server because of this and that admins are nearly always on and watching and enforcing these rules for everyone's enjoyment.

      BH whoring is part of the game and while I don't tend to do it myself it is good teamwork which BF2 is all about and is fun to take those flying tanks down with 6 people onboard.

      What server is this you ask?
      Server Name : Raging Rebels Ranked 1.02
      Server IP :
      Port : 10227
      Ranked 32 player/32 player map - all maps
      Battle Recorder
      No time limits
      No score limits
      Currently recruiting = clan members get reserved spot, we will kick to make room because we pay to play.

      Stats are updated very quickly on our server too, there usually there at end of each round. Why this is and some servers aren't I don't know but when I finish a round I can go straight to BFHQ and all the stats are updated straight away.

      To mix it up a bit we will be running some knife only, shock paddle only, pistol only and certain types of weapons/kits only days each week. When this happens it will be constantly monitored to kick the tards that want to use tanks etc.

      Founder, Senior Admin, BF2 Ranked Server Admin (Raging Rebels Ranked 1.02)


      • #48
        Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)


        Spawn camping: remaining in the vicintity of a flag with no intentions/ability of capping it purely for cheap, fast kills.

        Jihad Jeep: A favorite greif tactic used to take out serious armor whores. But the only time I do it is on a spawn camper, so won;t have to worry much bout that, eh?


        • #49
          Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

          L.C (TPF)FiveByFive signed.


          • #50
            Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

            I guess DICE is a bunch of noobs since they gave us "noobs" opportunities to do this bad stuff. Grow the eff up. Play it like it is or don't play at all.


            • #51
              Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

              Mostly agree with this, about the blackhack though, if you want to cap a flag, and the place is heavily defended, sometimes it's much safer to stay in, sending soldiers out to their deaths is just bad tactics, it's better to just not go for a defended flag with the blackhack if you can't hover over it, otherwise you, and the men getting out, not knowing where anyone is are sitting ducks.


              • #52
                Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

                As I grab a pen and stick it in the crack of my ass - I cop a squat over your document to sign....oh wait - I am not sure if I can actually sign something with my ass...well at least I am willing to try. Get the idea of what I think of this?

                WTF effect is this going to have on this game? NONE, ZIP, NADA, ZERO, ZILTCH. People are going to do whatever they want - like squat their hairy naked ass over your document.

                Rule #1 - when being shot at - one must run in a straight line - do not try to dodge or shoot back - you must run to your death. We prefer you run straight at us unarmed.

                I agree that there are cheezy tactics used by many in this game - none listed used by myself - but the hell if I am going to cheer for some total waste of board space blabbering about how to be a gentleman in game, after all - this is a GAME.

                I am not saying I support people that use tactics based on the rules you created against them - I don't care.

                To me - sounds like you just need the rainbow sticker mod for your vehicles.

                Glad to see you are at least sticking up for your g4y rights.


                • #53
                  Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

                  Originally posted by AssaultSqdLdr

                  1. Will not bunny-hop.
                  2. Will not bunny-prone hop.
                  3. Will not camp spawn points.
                  4. Will enter UCBs only to destroy CO assets.
                  5. Will respect specialty squad assets.
                  6. Will not intentionally engage in suicide tactics, ramming or otherwise.
                  7. Will not punish accidental TKs.
                  8. Will not Instant Vertical Capture/Neutralize (IVC/N) apparently undefended flags with the H-60 Helo (Black/Sea Hawk)
                  1. Nope, too many noob naders to stop me from trying to do this with my DAO-12.
                  2. I only ever do this when knifing.
                  3. Sorry, spawn camping is part of the game, If I feel the need to camp a spawn in a LAV then so be it. I've been camped enough times on Karkand to make up for a lifetime of doing it myself.
                  4. Yeah, I don't really go there anyway.
                  5. ?
                  6. Lmao. I will ram whatever I want to ram.
                  7. Yes. Unless they punish me before.
                  8. Nope. Never gonna happen.


                  • #54
                    Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

                    Play a server that has those rules, you will not regret it.

                    TG servers have those rules.


                    • #55
                      Re: TG Gentleman's Contract (Show your Honor)

                      To me - this basically sounds like:

                      Waaaa - we cannot play with normal guidelines - we are tired of people taking our planes and tanks and dodging our bullets. Come to fish in a barrel server and play - its some g4y ol fun. Oh yeah and our server of love is BYOL (bring your own lube).

                      And to address the rules:

                      Originally Posted by AssaultSqdLdr

                      1. Will not bunny-hop.
                      Instead I will skip and frollic...but not too much - just enough so you can still shoot me.
                      2. Will not bunny-prone hop.
                      I will instead bend over and take it.
                      3. Will not camp spawn points.
                      Because this is too close to capturing our spawn - bad bad player - come get a spanking.
                      4. Will enter UCBs only to destroy CO assets.
                      Is there any other reason? Other than to be a f4g?
                      5. Will respect specialty squad assets.
                      You will be a grunt and only a grunt - NO VEHICLE FOR YOU! Everything you see is ours - now just die in peace...or I will tell your mom.
                      6. Will not intentionally engage in suicide tactics, ramming or otherwise.
                      Everyone knows this is bad war tactics - no one in the real world does this - not even in English subways. Don't be a poor sport - jump in front of my gun now please.
                      7. Will not punish accidental TKs.
                      As if it matters - most servers are auto punish anyway - ooooh punish - come get a spanking!
                      8. Will not Instant Vertical Capture/Neutralize (IVC/N) apparently undefended flags with the H-60 Helo (Black/Sea Hawk)
                      No - you must fly in low enough that I can shoot you down with my tank that you are not allowed to have either - oh yeah - and you are banned for taking my helicopter! Now come get your spanking first!

