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PB causing freeze ups

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  • PB causing freeze ups

    Anyone having trouble with Punkbuster causing the game to freeze up for 10-30 seconds at a time?

    I know it is PB causing the freeze ups and EvenBalance is no help. I sumbitted a ticket and they cut and paste the "fix" from the FAQ. Which I told them in my original ticket that I tried everything in the FAQ. But it seems to take them like 3 days to reply.

    Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Re: PB causing freeze ups

    ihad the same problem got my rig to 2mb ram none since, also i updated firmware on router and pb!


    • #3
      Re: PB causing freeze ups

      Originally posted by idash
      ihad the same problem got my rig to 2mb ram none since, also i updated firmware on router and pb!
      2MB I am sure you ment 2GB. Yes I have heard that helps that is why I have 1G stick of Corsair XMS coming from Monarch Comp next week (Tuesday) I have seen and read everywhere that this helps. But it helps mostly for those that are running graphics on High. Those running on low are fine with less memory, even some 512 seems to work with everything on low. Obviously the higher you want the quality in the game the more memory you need. Also check you virtual memory. You should have at least 2G. I am allowing my system to use a 3G V/memory block. It did make a difference when I allowed more V/memory on the HD. I am not one to let windows decide the amount of Virtual memory.

      Although I have my fair share of major problems with PB. I can tell you that PB is a resouce hog. It may appear somtimes that it is a PB issue. But it is just because of how it scans hardware and software. But you just need to bump your computer up a little. Sucks, but this is the only tool we have to battle the cheaters.


      • #4
        Re: PB causing freeze ups

        Jump my menmory from 1 gig to 2 gig and this will fix PB from freezing my system up?

        That is crazy. My system runs every game fine at high graphics.. but now I am having trouble with Bf2 with PB. (The game runs fine on non PB servers)


        • #5
          Re: PB causing freeze ups

          I have 2GB and still get hard reboots on MP games. I think it's PB related and I have a ticket open with evenbalance but so far, nothing good has come of it. I even tried taking two sticks out with the same effect. This didnt start happening until the end of july. before that, the game played perfectly. I'm even running my settings on medium.
          It sucks and I am killing myself trying to fix this....


          • #6
            Re: PB causing freeze ups

            PUNKBUSTER TECH just sent me an email asking me if I had any zip drives, or multiple flopp card readers. Apparently they consider these to be hard drives and might cause the crash. READ THIS POST BELOW ALSO!


            • #7
              Re: PB causing freeze ups

              Nope, no floppy drive or zip drive. My game or pc does not crash, it just locks up for 10-30 seconds.


              • #8
                Re: PB causing freeze ups

                Mine locks up aswell.. And yup its PunkBuster allright


                • #9
                  Re: PB causing freeze ups

                  What have you tried doing so far?


                  • #10
                    Re: PB causing freeze ups

                    Everything stated on their FAQ... And everything fr\om other users.. I have sent them a email, i'll see what happens


                    • #11
                      Re: PB causing freeze ups

                      This is one of the things they told me to do.


                      Hmm, I would check for SCSI driver updates. We are working on something to reduce these studders, but they are usually driver related, possibly chipset drivers.


                      • #12
                        Re: PB causing freeze ups

                        Ok, I figured this out. After EvenBalance told me that some removable devices cause some users to freeze up I started messing around with drives. Long story short....

                        I removed all IDE drives from the seconardy IDE and now it works fine.

