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Team killing...

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  • Team killing...

    I don't know about you guys but I find it hard to get my team score above the negatives... everyone is punishing... As a Spec Ops, I find it hard to get a decent team score...

    To make up for the horribly designed and flawed TK system, when the 1.03 patch comes out, I'm going to point whore with C4 on commander assets, then call for supplies from the commander to repair the recently dammaged enemy UAV/Scan trailor or artillery, then blow it up again.

  • #2
    Re: Team killing...

    How are you TKing with C4 as a spec ops? I have like 20 hours of spec ops time and I had no problems keeping my teamwork in the positives. Just don't go overboard with explosives. Lay them on roads, wait for enemy vehicles, boom. Don't lay them all over a base and then blow them up when you see one soldier running around.


    • #3
      Re: Team killing...

      Originally posted by Swanston
      I don't know about you guys but I find it hard to get my team score above the negatives... everyone is punishing... As a Spec Ops, I find it hard to get a decent team score...

      To make up for the horribly designed and flawed TK system, when the 1.03 patch comes out, I'm going to point whore with C4 on commander assets, then call for supplies from the commander to repair the recently dammaged enemy UAV/Scan trailor or artillery, then blow it up again.
      sorry, you wont be doing no point whoring there. If I remember right supply crate wont do that any more.


      • #4
        Re: Team killing...

        No, I never said I would TK with C4, just TK'ing in general, I'll be going in a plane and taking off, someone walks infront because he wants the plane and he punishes when I kill him. Or I'm in a boat, its full but I see 2 guys jump on, and im traveling slowly and telling them to get off, so I don't kill them, then I start to go a little faster, then they die, and they punish, when it is entirely there fault.


        • #5
          Re: Team killing...

          TKs have to be corrected. Too many jerks drive into landmines and artillery on purpose just so they can punish. A TK punish should only be used when someone TKs you ON PURPOSE or they do something so incredibly stupid that they should be punished.
          The TK system should take into account enemy proximity and recent enemy deaths, sometimes you throw 2 grenades, kill an enemy with the first one and your second grenade goes off just as a teammate spawns. If the enemy is within a certain range or died recently in an area, it should not count as a TK and they shouldn't be allowed to punish either.
          I had 34 kills about 30 in resupply points and 15 in medic points, about 10 as engineer repairs but when I ran out of ammo as a medic, I picked up a sniper pack by accident and ran around laying claymores which got me 6 kills and 4 TKs . I ended the map with a -14 total score because of jerks punishing for claymores, landmines and driving full speed into my artillery. Jerks have to ruin every game.

