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MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

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  • MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

    BattleField 2 Tactics!

    In clan matches, Small, But useful Tactics can make all the difference to the final score...

    Tip 1 - 4's A squad:

    The most unbeatable Squad on the Battlefield is:
    1 Medic
    1. Antitank
    1 Support.
    1 Sniper
    Medic Heals your squad members that have been slanged.
    Support re arms the Antitank
    Anti tank... Erm... You work that out..
    Sniper, Long range shots. Bonus: Enemy Soldier on your Tail, Drop the Claymore.

    Tip 2 - Stay away from the Walls

    This is mostly for Urban Areas.
    While moving as a squad, Stay near the walls, But no littraly against them.
    Why you ask? Moving as a hudled group causes danger
    1. If a enemy rocket flys towards you, And hits the wall, Your pretty much gettin alot of splash damage...
    2. Plus your huddled, Meaning maxium Causilites

    Tip 3 - Space out
    While moving as a squad, You must be aware of enemy fire... And how Easy it is to be all mowed down before you can see the enenmy.
    Move in a Pattern formed like drawn here

    O O
    O O
    If you all stood in a line, N some fool steps out with a shotgun or Support HMG, Chances are, The First guy will be shot dead, N before
    the man behind can see the enemy infront of his dead teammate, He'll be dead n so on...
    So the maxium you can lose in this pattern is 2. Before the enemy gunman is a bullet riddled corpse...

    Tip 4 - Operation BulletShield.
    In the squad... If you wish to Strengthen it, depending on how many people are in your clan. Add 1 Sniper
    My point being is - The Support and Antitank have heavy body armour, Meaning they can take about 7 shots before it takes any effect.
    Put the Antitank, And Support on the front Formation. They have better chance of surviving than a Medic with no body armour, Meaning the only damage would be a few bullet wounds.

    Tip 5 - Chance to advance
    What do you do When a enemy armour starts heading towards you. Many dumass's would think, **** we're wankered.
    When actually, Youd be surprised how easy it is to take out a tank in a urban area.
    When this happens, The best idea is to get the squad to a rooftop. If needed make the tank target one of your squad members, Not the squad leader, to divert the tanks attention while your men run to another postion. Never hit the tank when its pointing in your direction.
    Always hit it when its passing by. Heres a List of parts to hit the tank.

    Side: 3 shots
    Rear: 2 shots
    Front: 4 shots
    Side Treads: 2 shots
    Front Treads: 2 shots
    Front Turret: 4 shots
    Side Turret: 3 shots
    Back Turret: 3 shots

    Type 98
    Side: 3 shots
    Rear: 2 shots
    Front: 4 shots
    Side Treads: 3 shots
    Front Treads: 2 shots
    Front Turret: 4 shots
    Side Turret: 3 shots
    Back Turret: 2 shots

    Back: 3 shots
    Side: 3 shots
    Front: 4 shots
    Side Treads: 3 shots
    Front Treads: 2 shots
    Front Turret: 4 shots
    Side Turret: 3 shots
    Back Turret: 2 shots

    2 shots in every area except the side turret.

    2 shots anywhere.

    WZ551(I think that is the name)
    2 shots anywhere.

    Linebacker AKA Bradley
    2 shots anywhere.

    2 shots anywhere.

    Conclusion for the lazy: Go for the front treads and rear of tanks whenever possible. As for APC's, most take 2 shots at max. The BTR-60's side turret can take 3 hits. The Linebacker and Tunguska can only take 2 hits.

    Tip 6 - Play it cool, Dont be a fool.

    Sometimes. You dont always need to open fire on an enemy. If you see a enemy running down the oppisite side of the street, And your on low health... Plus hes unaware of you, Theres no need to open fire.
    We all know that feeling when we run up on an enemy, Empty a clip into him, N he turns round with a Mp5 n just pops 4 shots n your down...

    Really, The best thing to do, Is Return fire when on low health.

    Tip 7 - (Possibly for future use when a patch is realeased) Riding shotgun
    As we all know the vechile to soldier damage is just pure bollocks.
    Its always handy to be able to deploy soldiers to another side of the map.
    Thats where my lil suttle plan came into action during DC and Vietnam.
    This is for a pretty big squad... But hopefully when a patch is realeased itll fix the damage problem.
    Once someones in the tank, Just hop on the top pf the turret, Or sometanks have a large flat bit at the back were you can fit about 3 troops on top... Its a unstopable match, With 2 antitank and 2 engineers on top...

    Tip 7- Stop n drop
    As soon as one of your squad members is taking out by a sniper, or just mowed down by a sudden burst of gunfire, All the squad members must drop immeditly... This works very Well in Zatar Wetlands, daqing Oilfields and Songhu Stalemate, Mostly for the reason, That theres long reeds... making the sniper hard to judge where you are.

    This tactic can be used When being fired at, Or when you dont exactly want to take on a tank.
    Plus, When a tank or jeep speeds towards you. The only chance of survival is to drop, And hopefully the wheels miss you. If you havnt realised, Its possible to crawl under a tank or jeep.

    Tip 8 - Assignments.
    Every soldier in the squad must have a speciality at his job. You cant have one of the members be anti tank, And then switch to medic.
    A soldier must stay the same kit the whole time to aviod confustion.

    Tip 9 - "Attack this Postion"
    When the commander gives the squad the command to attack an outpost, Most just split up n freelance. And pretty much get slaughtered.
    Move as a unit. And do Alley to alley cleaning. Be aware of enemy spawn points. And of course as mentioned above, Strongest armoured soldier moves forward first.

    Tip 10 - "Defend this Postion" (Urban Tactic)
    When the order is giving to Defend a postion, Theres many good Tactics...
    If your a squad of 4, Put the sniper on The highest Building, He can report armour from a fair distance.
    Put a anti armour on the second highest building... or high enough that a tank turret couldnt aim at...
    The Soldier with rifles are alot more safer hiding inside buildings... Plus gives them extra protection.
    If or when a tank pulls up outside, Go no where near the window. Stay down.

    Part 2 of Tip 10 - (Wetland and open Area tactic)
    When the order is giving to defend a postion, Theres many good tactics... (Yeah thats right i did just repeat what i said above)
    To defend a outpost in the middle of no where, In a map such as Songhu Stalemate, There is no need to stay in the boundries of the post...

    Use "Foxholes" around the base, In other words, small parts where the land dips. Station in there, And when the base in under attack run in.

    Maybe 2 in every foxhole around the base. It doesnt have to be a fox hole, Use certain small landmarks, Such as a wreck of a black hawk which is actually part of the map. Once the base is under attack, Move in, Ambush, And move back to your postion.
    Make sure no Enemy Soldier or Tank sees your men, or youll have the guns of navarone tearing up your battlezone.
    Cuz if the commander sees you, Chances are youll be barraged.

    Battlefield 2 Clan Tactics.
    Author - MaCs&TeCNiNeS

  • #2
    Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

    Tip 11 - On most urban areas have 3 men on one side of sidewalk while the other 3 on the other side of the street,the will make you respnd quick to fire


    • #3
      Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

      Originally posted by Super Six Three
      Tip 11 - On most urban areas have 3 men on one side of sidewalk while the other 3 on the other side of the street,the will make you respnd quick to fire
      Id love to add that in but... That contridicts most of what is there.


      • #4
        Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

        Fair effort on that mate!

        Only thing i dont like about it (well i do, cos im a sniper) but if a sniper takes one of your boys out and you just stop and prone (#7 i believe), you boys are fairly rooted, especially if the sniper is any good.

        Let me expand - most snipers will go for an elevated position, the better to see the battlefield and the better to see people behind rocks etc. If he knows what hes about, the first warning you'll have is when one of your number drops dead and starts spamming medic. A good sniper will be able to identify the medic by the kit and clothes, and will take him out first. If you all go prone, it makes a larger target and given as you move slower when proned, you're easier to hit.

        As the sniper will have already taken out the medic, he can more often than not take out the next couple of blokes as well before you panic and run.

        Besides that, thats pretty decent work, lots of thought and effort into it mate nice work.


        • #5
          Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

          Originally posted by MaCs&TeCNiNeS
          Tip 1 - 4's A squad:...
          No SpecOps? With a Support guy on your team having a SpecOps is a great way to stop enemy advancement. You can destroy bridges and defend bases pretty easily - just have him drop C4 near the flag and hide...then you tell him when to blow it - boom.

          Also you don't have an engineer. An Engineer with his AT mines can keep land vehicles out of bases. Also if you're using any spawning vehicles to defend, having him repair you after each assault or during the assault will tilt the balance to your side. An engineer's shotgun is good a very close range and their pistol at medium range. I know as an armor driver, whenever I see a SpecOps or Engineer run at me with their C4/AT mine out I divert my attention to them. That's when your Anti-tank guy can let loose.
          Tip 2 - Stay away from the Walls
          Agreed. Also when you're in a building and there's a tank on the other wall...snuggle up against the wall closest to the enemy armor. Most of the time enemy will shoot into the windows and hit the opposite side of the room.

          Don't get into corners prone because you'll just have your feet sticking out of the building. When I see that, I jump out of my tank and throw a grenade or two into the building killing you.

          Tip 4 - Operation BulletShield.
          The Support class is one of the most underrated classes. No only do they have good armor they can surpress the enemy. When someone sees someone shooting full auto at them they ignore the guy next to him shooting 1-3 carefully aimed shots.

          Tip 5 - Chance to advance
          Again you're underestimating the use of SpecOps and Engineers. I've been killed many of times by SpecOps and Engineers that throw C4/AT mines from the building above me or as I drive past them.

          Although I don't condone it, Jihad Jeeps will take out any armored vehicle (place 2-3 C4 at thefront of a jeep and ram an enemy).

          Tip 6 - Play it cool, Dont be a fool.
          Smart, make sure to spot the enemy so others in the enemy's path will see him.

          Tip 7 - (Possibly for future use when a patch is realeased) Riding shotgun
          You're right, currently in v1.02 you can't ride on top of a vehicle. Once the vehicle moves and you're on top of it the driver will kill you. Perhaps in future releases, but we don't want to have what we had in BF:1942 where your entire team stands on the wings of a bomber...

          Tip 7- Stop n drop
          I agree with the above poster. The first thing you should do when one of your team is killed by a sniper is find cover. Moving irradically also helps. Stay near your medic if possible and he can heal any damage since snipers have to hit you twice unless they get a head shot.

          If you have a good commander he can spot for you. Your squad leader should say, "Commander, spot near squad #3" and your commander should right click in the area and usually spot the sniper or at least do a scan and then find him.

          Assume that 90% of the snipers are in high places. Playing as a sniper you'll learn the most popular spots and always look there. Your squad's sniper will be tasked with spotting and killing the sniper if he more than 75m away. Assume also that the enemy sniper has put claymores to stop you from climbing up their ladder or getting near them - don't chase a sniper around a corner either.

          Plus, When a tank or jeep speeds towards you. The only chance of survival is to drop, And hopefully the wheels miss you.
          Actually I found that if you fire at them and jump to the side you often will be missed. For whatever reason as you fire at them they focus on your mussle flash and then by jumping to the left or right they can't turn fast enough and miss you. If you're a good shot you can kill them while in the vehicle especially if they are a buggy. Save your ammo for when they have passed you since most jeeps are open from the back.

          While jumping to the side see where the turret is on the jeep. Most people who try to run over me will quickly switch positions to the turret and try to kill me. If you haven't taken him out in the turret, spot him really quick, and find cover. When you see or hear him move then come out and fire again from behind.

          If you havnt realised, Its possible to crawl under a tank or jeep.
          Not a good idea. Although possible this only works when the enemy driver drives in a straight line. I do, however, as engineer, go under a tank and place an AT mine while its capping a flag, but doing that usually gets me killed as they move.

          If you're on a road and see a jeep or APC trying to ram you see if you can jump into ditch near the road. If you go prone there sometimes the jeep or APC will jump over you and miss you completely. Happened a couple of times for me at least - but you have to be really lucky.

          Tip 10 - "Defend this Postion" (Urban Tactic)
          Again you're missing the usefullness of an Engineer and SpecOps. These two classes are great a defending bases - no need to elaborate here.


          • #6
            Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

            Yes i agree engineers like myself are always come in handy. If you can get a squad member to direct a tanks attention to you while he is capping a flag, then you can get mines around him. SpecOps come into play here too he can easily be replaced with an engineer. When defending a position drop some C4 down and have another guy swing around and get in a good spotting position where he cant be spotted. As soon as you see the tank, spot it. If the SpecOps guy is smart he'll see where it coming from on the map and detonate. When playing as SpecOps never run out and try and drop 2 C4 on a tank and run, 80% of the time you're toast. Try and get someone to draw the tanks fire so what if you die because the medic in the squad should be able to revive you after the SpecOps guy has already taken out the armor....or occasional heli. =) Also when defending on a map with chopper, throwe some C4 up on the top of the flag pole and BOOM no more chopper. Easiest way to get it on the top of the pole is to stand on the sand bags and jump or grab a vehicle and just use that, because it's hard to do it without either one. Anyways there's just a few things i wanted to add. By the way awesome tips, but I dont really think that snipers are needed in a squad more than engineers or SpecOps. Just my opinion. Thanks for the time =)


            • #7
              Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

              Originally posted by Strings9
              By the way awesome tips, but I dont really think that snipers are needed in a squad more than engineers or SpecOps. Just my opinion. Thanks for the time =)
              Claymores are great defending flags? Its like C4 against infantry and jeeps, but you don't have to be there. Put them at holes in fences or back alley ways and you'll be alerted immediately if someone trys to use that way! Allows you to focus on other more popular routes the enemy may take.

              Say that you don't need a sniper when you have an enemy sniper killing your entire squad - or keeping your entire squad pinned down. As much as you think you're good at shooting someone at 80m, try killing a sniper at 200m...I know I can kill you at 200m.

              Oh and you say, why do we need a sniper if we have a medic to heal...snipers can't 1-hit kill us unless they headshot us. Say that when I kill your medic first and then camp his kit.


              • #8
                Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

                Very good point, but there aren't that many good snipers out there. Another good thing for a squad to do is carry an assault guy with them for the smoke. Hear a sniper off in the distance and throw down that smoke. Yes i know some people can snipe through the smoke yes, but not many can. This will make for a quick getaway. About the claymores, that is a very good idea, but most of the time some idiot teammate spawns and runs right over it. I agree claymores are very effective, only when you're playing with a smart team. The commander can also spot that enemy sniper for you that way you can get away easier. As for a sniper being in a squad, I would like to make sure they are a good shot before they get into my squad. By the sounds of it you're pretty good at sniping so I'd let you in Another thing too: Why dont they have Binoculars in this game? lol Don't they know that snipers need good spotters???


                • #9
                  Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

                  Glad you guys liked it... I know theres a few dis agreements, im still learning them as i go along.

                  I didnt put in land mines in cuz, Bout 75% of the time, A teammate runs em over.

                  I can see what you mean bout the Defend postion bit, Kinda like the ending shootout in black hawk down... Like i said, Along the way you can change somethings, Doesnt have to be so strict.


                  • #10
                    Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

                    i still dont think that walls are dangerous...seeing squads huddles together is so rare that most aniti tank ppl dont look for them


                    • #11
                      Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

                      Well... No anti tank soldier says, In aprox 5 seconds a tank will pop round this corner...

                      He'll just take a shot at anything...Even if he missed the soldiers n hits the wall you will die from splash damage. And possibly cannot be revived.


                      • #12
                        Re: MaCs&TeCNiNeS Clan Squad Tactics.

                        Yea that happens to me alot. Stupid rocket noobs! lol

