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VOIP refuses to work (I searched)

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  • VOIP refuses to work (I searched)

    I know a lot of other people have been having some problems getting the VOIP function in Battlefield 2 to work properly, but I have been through every thread I could find on the subject and still cannot fix my problem.

    Let's begin with what I'm looking at here and the "fixes" that I have tried.

    - I have a Logitech USB headset. It's plugged into a USB port in the BACK of my computer because I read somewhere that VOIP will not work if it's plugged in the front.

    - I have a Sound Blaster Live! Value card with the latest drivers/patch from the official website.

    - I have gone to the audio properties in the control panel and made the necessary adjustments. I am not using an onboard sound device.

    - I ran the VOIP setup that came with BF2, both ingame and out. In both cases my microphone and headset is working fine. The green bar goes up, and I can hear myself when playback is enabled (no distortion).

    - Other microphone-related programs work for me too (Roger Wilco, Teamspeak, Sound Recorder, etc.)

    - When I go into the actual game and hold down the talk key, I get the little voice icon in the corner... but when I talk it turns red and cracked. Nobody can hear me and I can't hear anybody else.

    - I went into the DXdiag and turned the audio acceleration to basic already.

    - I tried taking off the 20db mic boost off both in Windows and in Battlefield.

    - I check to make sure my microphone does not mute itself everytime I am in a server... it has a couple times before, but I always uncheck the mute box before I test it.

    - I fiddled around with all the settings on the options->audio menu in the game. I set all the fields everywhere from 0-100 with no results.

    - I turned Windows Firewall off (the only firewall I have) to see if that would fix it... no go.

    - Yes, I join a squad first.

    - Yes, I join servers with VOIP icons and yes I have the VOIP enabled button checked.

    - I have even tried the fixes posted on the planetbattlefield forums for the Audigy cards because I was getting desparate... no luck.

    It seems that no matter what I do or change, I always get a red cracked microphone. What's worse is that after about 5 times of trying the microphone the little icon will not show up anymore. This is frustrating me beyond belief and I can't seem to find a solution to my problem.

    Any help is appreciated x 10. Please? :cry:

  • #2
    Re: VOIP refuses to work (I searched)

    Have you tried having just one of your mics plugged in??

    So when trying the USB disable the other sound card in Hardware/Device Manager tab in system control panel or take it out of the PC and when trying to get regular mic in sound card to work take out the USB headset.

    Might I add the your post is very nicly structured and how ppl should post when asking questions as the more info that is available in intial post on what you already tried the less follow-up questions and answers are needed. :salute:


    • #3
      Re: VOIP refuses to work (I searched)

      Thanks for the reply Gunny

      Unfortunately, what you suggested produces the same results. Even after giving it a try (and I was feeling optimistic about this one), I still get a red, broken microphone when I go to transmit... plus I can't hear anybody else.

      It's strange that it works in both of the test programs (in-game menu, and out of the game) yet it refuses to work while I'm actually playing.

      Any other suggestions?


      • #4
        Re: VOIP refuses to work (I searched)

        Only other thing I can think of right now, is if the game somehow has kept your settings, and doesn't detect when a chage has been made.

        You can try and move the folder 0001 or 0002 in ...My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\.. to e.g. Desktop, then open BF2 and retrieve account, you then have your account login but with BF2 default settings maybe it makes a difference. The folders there hold your video, audio, game,. keyboard settings etc. To identify the one you need to move look in profile.con and it will be the one that has your login and email etc.

        Other than that I would try to uninstall the game and remove all leftover files in My Documents and where game was installed and perhaps also the registry values and then reinstall the game.


        • #5
          Re: VOIP refuses to work (I searched)

          Hey Gunny, thanks again for the input. I tried your first solution and, for the most part, it seems to have worked

          I just tried it out, joined a server, and noticed that I could hear people speaking to me. So I gave talking into the microphone a shot. I got an affirmative on them being able to hear me, and we had a blast. Thank you very much for your help.

          I have one question remaining though. I noticed that, even though the VOIP was working for me both ways, the transmit icon STILL displayed itself as red and cracked. I thought the red and cracked icon symbolized that the VOIP was not calibrated correctly and needed to be readjusted? So why, if the symbol was wrong, could the other people hear me?

          I know I know... now I'm being picky

          But seriously, thanks a lot for your help. Hopefully this continues to work, icon or not.


          • #6
            Re: VOIP refuses to work (I searched)

            Glad you got it working

            It is probably as you say a calibration 'problem'.

            Maybe the icon is just displaying wrong becuase it needs tweaking, like MIC boost in game options or in Windows audio control panel or similar.
            Maybe it is detecting the level you are speaking at as low but only according to the levels you set in configuration of VOIP.

