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LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

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  • LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

    I have been unable to get coop play with bots working on my LAN. Can anyone confirm (or deny) that this is in fact possible?

    I've made attempts (some more whole-hearted than others) to do this with both the free dedicated server and with the full game on a dedicated W2K machine on my LAN, but each time the clients either crash on connect or are disconnected for some other reason.

    With the new coop mods (WCC, Codebasher, etc.) I'm wondering if any of them enable me to do this. Oddly, I can find no solid information in their respective readmes/websites and no threads that cover this exact scenario (LAN+coop+bots).

    I do know about the work-around where you start a MP game, then a SP game and join thru the MP server browser, but have also not had any luck with this procedure (clients crashed).

    Thanks for any info you guys can provide. Not having coop in BF2 really sucks if you're just a handful of guys on a LAN looking for action.


  • #2
    Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

    Alright, Here what you gotta do. I did it this weekend with my friend and it was a blast.
    Download either the Codename: WCC Co-op mod, or the mercenaries 2.0 mod. (we used both, both worked perfectly) Have one of you guys open up the single player game you want, and in his/your loadscreen there will be a series of numbers, (the server something or something) Anyway, it will say something like One of you needs to have a mulitplayer account, and whoever is on the multiplayer account, has to go to; joint internet....connect to ip or join ip.. put in those numbers EXCEPT the numbers after the colon, leave out the colon and the numbers that follow, idk what those numbers are but i tried them without and it worked perfectly. You should join the server your sp friend is playing in and it works like a charm. let me know if it works. Happy Gaming.


    • #3
      Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

      The numbers after the colon is the port. Standard is 16457 I think. The numbers are your ip address. Probably 192.168.0.??? With the 1.02 patch you can join a lan game by ip as well.


      • #4
        Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

        But if your looking to play on bigger maps with more players the mercenaries 2.0 mod and the codename: wcc co-op mod are the mods to get.


        • #5
          Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

          Originally posted by Durka Durka racist
          But if your looking to play on bigger maps with more players the mercenaries 2.0 mod and the codename: wcc co-op mod are the mods to get.
          I agree wholeheartedly! That WCC coop mod is great!
          If you want to spice it up even further you can "mix" 2 mods together to form just about anything. Well, almost.

          I have personally mixed Project Reality minimod with WCC coop v0.3 and it's a blast!


          • #6
            Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

            holy crap... how'd u mix the 2 mods.. ?


            • #7
              Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

              Cut and paste from the PR forums:
              For WCC and PRMM to work you install both mods to the correct folder
              That's the mods folder btw.
              In the mods folder copy the PRMM folder and rename it to whatever you like. For the sake of clarity I'll call it PRCOOP here.
              Then go into the WCCcoop folder and copy the AI and Levels folders. Nothing else. Just those 2 folders and paste them into the PRCOOP folder.
              Make sure they overwrite the existing AI and Levels folders in the PRCOOP folder.
              If you did everything right you can now launch BF2, go to the COMMUNITY window click on CUSTOM GAME. There you will see the "new" mod PRCOOP, click on it to select and click ACTIVATE
              Follow these instruction and I believe you have an uncle called Bob... :laugh:


              • #8
                Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

                I was talking about LAN-only coop, ie. using only offline accounts. This means that the Join via IP-button doesn't work, and makes it impossible to use WCC for multiplayer coop play across a LAN (since the server doesn't show up in the server browser).

                I found a small application called BF2CoopEmu (link) which I have so far gotten to work with vanilla BF2, but obviously all the tweaks and better maps from WCC would be a great benefit. I'll talk to the WCC guys about this little problem.


                • #9
                  Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

                  have you tried the codebasher mod?


                  • #10
                    Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

                    Originally posted by seg[TDev]
                    have you tried the codebasher mod?
                    No I have not, but I kinda assume that it'll be the same thing. I think the problem with BF2CoopEmu and mods is that the emulator somehow advertises regular SP1 and BF2 mod, and when you attempt to connect to the emulator (and thus the actual WCC/whatever server), it fails with a modified content error.

                    But I'll have a few more goes with it today and let you know how it turns out.


                    • #11
                      Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

                      we have a group a of regulars that play the codebasher mod. we really have had a blast. the only problem is that for map rotations you have to restart the server. so we end up playing the same map a couple of times.


                      • #12
                        Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

                        The offline method I've used is:
                        1. "Server" PC starts a local server.
                        2. "Clients" go to local browser and should see the server BUT DON'T JOIN YET.
                        3. "Server" PC cancels the local server and starts an SP game.
                        4. "Clients" now join the server in the browser.

                        Server and clients both need to be running any mods you want to use.


                        • #13
                          Re: LAN co-op w/ bots - what's current status?

                          Yeah, that's a working, but complicated method. The reason you have to do this at all is that SP games don't advertise themselves across the LAN. Using the BF2CoopEmu application, you advertise a fake server across the LAN which clients see in the browser. I just think this is really missing from all SP/coop mods available atm. and that they should adapt this method for their mods right away. It would make for a great addition and fix to EA's stupidity.

                          Just my 2 DKK.

