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Was having an awesome game....

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  • Was having an awesome game....

    then some idiot named MindExpansion trips my claymore and punishes me. Im then banned/kicked because of tking while im squad leader and have a score of 50. I can't get back into the server.

    Its time to make an account called TKMindExpansion. Im tired of this crap. This i s where normal players strike back on little retarded kids who grew up sticking crayons in their nose.

    Im really going to annoy this guy and make him feel like returning the game.

    This is my vent. I probably won't go trough with it but I would sure love it to annoy him.

    For christ sake. How hard is it to see a claymore on the ground marked by a Red Skull. Honestly? Are these people color blind? I just don't get it Im sorry. I don't get how you can be so stupid and keep running even though theres a red skull in front of you? It's never happened to me more the one time and that was only when I was on the phone while playing and at least I didn't punish like an *******.

    God. It just annoys me. I needed to get this out of my system. I've never played a more fun multiplayer game but I also never played a game that makes me more pissed off and wanting to go and kick someone's ass.

    Its really a big dissapointment when you sit down and then you're having a lot of fun and someone like MindExpansion comes along...

  • #2
    I think admins and server rules should be adapted a bit, everybody knows how easy you get a teamkill in this game by accident,so 1 teamkill getting kicked is to hard I think.

    They should use like 2Tk per 15 min max or something like that.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Al3x
      Its time to make an account called TKMindExpansion. Im tired of this crap. This i s where normal players strike back on little retarded kids who grew up sticking crayons in their nose.
      In my opinion, you sound like one of those retarded kids who grew up sticking crayons in their nose.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sovetskeey
        In my opinion, you sound like one of those retarded kids who grew up sticking crayons in their nose.
        Ok thats your opinion. Care to back it up?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Al3x
          then some idiot named MindExpansion trips my claymore and punishes me. Im then banned/kicked because of tking while im squad leader and have a score of 50. I can't get back into the server.

          Its time to make an account called TKMindExpansion. Im tired of this crap. This i s where normal players strike back on little retarded kids who grew up sticking crayons in their nose.

          Im really going to annoy this guy and make him feel like returning the game.

          This is my vent. I probably won't go trough with it but I would sure love it to annoy him.

          For christ sake. How hard is it to see a claymore on the ground marked by a Red Skull. Honestly? Are these people color blind? I just don't get it Im sorry. I don't get how you can be so stupid and keep running even though theres a red skull in front of you? It's never happened to me more the one time and that was only when I was on the phone while playing and at least I didn't punish like an *******.

          God. It just annoys me. I needed to get this out of my system. I've never played a more fun multiplayer game but I also never played a game that makes me more pissed off and wanting to go and kick someone's ass.

          Its really a big dissapointment when you sit down and then you're having a lot of fun and someone like MindExpansion comes along...

          It's the one major thing that ruins the team play aspect of this game, which hopefully will be fixed with patch 1.03. I know how you feel, we've all been in your position, but I'm afraid that's what we all deal with on Pub. servers.
          Some games are great and others are populated by petrol sniffing idiots.

          I'm colourblind and I seem to manage OK playing. Colour distinction is not everything, it's not too hard to tell what's what by it's shape and physical specs.


          • #6
            i think he just did.

            BTW some people place claymores in the most stupid of places, so they frankly deserve a punish.


            • #7
              Originally posted by vulcan
              It's the one major thing that ruins the team play aspect of this game, which hopefully will be fixed with patch 1.03. I know how you feel, we've all been in your position, but I'm afraid that's what we all deal with on Pub. servers.
              Some games are great and others are populated by petrol sniffing idiots.
              Petrol sniffing :laugh:

              Yeah I can't wait for the next patch. Times like these happen and they are irritating. Venting it a bit really helps....Im gona go find another SaK server.

              I don't place my claymore's in stupid places. I place it towards the aproaching enemy, and in places where the red skull is very easy to see. Yes,even if you happen to accidently run into it, don't go ahead and punish and get the person kicked from the good game he was having.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Al3x
                Ok thats your opinion. Care to back it up?
                **** happens. Live with it. You're just being a hypocrite when you call him a "retarded kid who grew up sticking crayons in their nose" while creating a seperate account just to TK and heckle him.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sovetskeey
                  **** happens. Live with it. You're just being a hypocrite when you call him a "retarded kid who grew up sticking crayons in their nose" while creating a seperate account just to TK and heckle him.
                  Im not going to argue with someone who can't read. If you did, you would have seen where I wrote

                  I probably won't go trough with it

                  I needed to get this out of my system.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Al3x
                    Ok thats your opinion. Care to back it up?

                    back up an opinion? what is this high school debate class?


                    • #11
                      Hey, sorry to hear about your bad luck.

                      I know that when im driving into an enemy flag I look for c4, mines either friendly or enemies. Same with climbing up ladders, I always stop a bit before the top and peep over to make sure theres not a claymore infront of me.

                      And even if I do accidentally run over or walk over a mine/claymore Ill be quick to forgive. Come to think of it, ive forgiven almost 9/10 tk's that have happened over the last couple of weeks. Even if ive run into enemy fire and my teammates has killed me whilst shooting at an enemy.

                      It's so degrading having -4 to your score or even -6 or whatever the numbers are, and those 15 seconds feel like eternity!

                      So yeah, sorry to hear, but theres plenty of players out there who are polite and enjoy a proper game.



                      • #12
                        FYI, some people including me, turn off the 3DMAP sometimes.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gunner
                          FYI, some people including me, turn off the 3DMAP sometimes.
                          Why? That makes no sense at all.


                          • #14
                            Some turn off the map for realism. What I assume they don't know is that we now have this technology. Though maybe not in abbundant use as of yet is does exist.


                            • #15
                              yea i hate the freaking tk system if your commander and you drop atillary and then your tem decides ok well go for thsi lfag now and then 5 tks and then a ban happened to me about 2 days ago... and no i didnt place the arty on my base

