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More voicetaunts

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  • More voicetaunts

    I find it rather dissapointing that battlefield has only limited voicecommands. Like 'roger', 'negative' or 'need backup'.

    I would love to see some more commands like 'good job guys', 'I got your back', 'eat sh*t and die' etc etc. In fact it would be niceto have an extra menu with these kind of binds. What do you guys think??

  • #2
    I agree, BFV had a whole load of great taunts like "Get back to the fight!" and "c'mon waste em'". This is deffenatly missing from BF2. Mind you Its hard enough to ask for support or health in BF2 when you have to use the crappy Q & T roses, the F button extended commands in BFV was spot on, so much faster.

    Aslo a side note, it rubbish that they have not done any speech animations :cry: . When the guys talk there are no mouth movements. Once again BFV had it spot on.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Merlin
      I agree, BFV had a whole load of great taunts like "Get back to the fight!" and "c'mon waste em'". This is deffenatly missing from BF2. Mind you Its hard enough to ask for support or health in BF2 when you have to use the crappy Q & T roses, the F button extended commands in BFV was spot on, so much faster.
      Definately, and had the added bonus of being able to run and use them at the same time.


      • #4
        I would really like a "you're welcome"


        • #5
          Yeah same, I'd love to see, "I've got you covered" "Get the Flag" etc.


          • #6
            exactly eagle, cus i've got that alot when i'm playing. Then I wanna say I got your back but ....drat no voicecommand for that lol


            • #7
              What about the "Get Some!" taunt that i heard in the intro movie for BF2. Seems like there all saying allot there that we cant say in game.


              • #8
                I just need "Wait"!!!!


                • #9
                  I agree about wanting more commands, but i would like to see the addition of the friendly stuff like tribes 2 had "great shot" "awesome" etc as well as the basic "hi" bye" etc. I found that this helps in a big way with making servers friendlier places to be, and people actually used the praise voices instead of shouting "cheater!!1111" when they got one-on-one raped :laugh:

                  It also surprises me how many people seem to be using the default keyboard layout?? its so mixed up im not surprised you can't run and talk at the same time The second thing i do after installing any game is to get the keybinds into some sort of playable order (the first is to get the GFX settings right, as this always takes the longest) i myself move my the standard move keys over one place in all shooters to the ESDF (as apposed to WASD) giving me a few more keys under my little finger thats can be used without losing any control during movement. Plus i have lots of buttons on my mouse which are all bound to common things, if i had one more that would probably be used for the standard radio, but i dont :cry:


                  • #10
                    How about a 'MINES!.... MINES! GOD DAMN MINES YOU MUNTERS!'

                    Also a mines spotted thing for commander/squad leader


                    • #11
                      I agree in joint ops there was a few different taunts which i used to love running around saying, a bit sad i know but it was good fun


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by menace-uk-
                        I agree in joint ops there was a few different taunts which i used to love running around saying, a bit sad i know but it was good fun
                        Jo had some great taunts, 'Die you worm die!!' from the French kit used to crack me up


                        • #13
                          cursing in MEC or Chinese language would be cool. "Allah Akbar mujaharad or something like that"

