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When are the kids going back to school?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by PopGoesTheWeasle
    i dunno about elementary or jr high, but highschool starts august for me.

    hahaha, high school in canada also starts in early sept!!


    • #17
      You don't have to be a kid to be a dick.


      • #18
        Well that explains on Australian Servers why I usally only hear many 20-30yr olds on voip in game because all the teens are at school.


        • #19
          actually, I am really put off by whatever you are saying. I am 19, and I play a lot better than most people. What I can't stand is some 40 year old who has nothing in life other than videogame stereotype newbies for ruining their experience.

          maybe the dude you met was a 40 year old whose wife just made him crash the heli, ever thought about that?

          I go to school, so does most college kids, or grad school kids, they are trully the best players around


          • #20
            He was most likely a kid. The same reason most clans wont recruit people under 18/ 21 is exactly what happened to this guy.

            I fly choppers alot and I am actually very, very good at it. So I spend a good deal of time at the helo pads. Lately, alot of kids are getting really greedy wanting their helicopter and will TK you just before you jump in or if they get pilot and want another buddy in, they will do what this guy described. If he does a repeated 'get out' then starts to fly straight up then you know what he is about to do, jump out immediately after he does or if you die, you'll respawn in time for the next one depending on the map.

            In my book, first one in to either seat wins the contest if there are more than 2 people at the pad. It's a game, move on and go find a tank or something.

            Kids dont have the sense of fair play and 'earning things' that adults do so thats why I amso certain that it was a child.

            Here's the remedy for TK banning servers. If 2 guys are playing chopper hogs [especially early in the game] and doing childish stuff like TK's or crashing then get yourself close to the tail rotor of the chopper if you dont get in, try to hop on the rear stabilizer wing or onto either side weapon pod.

            This should eventually cause the pilot to TK you and then punish him [he deserves it for being a jerk about 'his' chopper.]

            A few TK punishes,especially early into a game and he gets banned.

            One way to be a jerk and out jerk a jerk.


            • #21
              Originally posted by 3rd ID Crow
              One way to be a jerk and out jerk a jerk.
              Now there's a quote for ya.


              • #22
                I actually feel he had the right to tell you to get out, and you SHOULD have listened. He's the pilot - he's in charge. Were you in his squad? Since you already said no, then you couldn't have used VOIP to communicate with him whilst flying. How could you truly succeed that way? When I'm in a squad, and a non-squad member gets in, I ask nicely for them to get out so my squad member can get in and use VOIP; only when I'm the pilot. If they don't listen, I just sit there. Then when a J-10 comes buzzing overhead and kills us, it's there fault, as I was waiting for them to get out.

                Flying a chopper with a non squad member serves no purpose. A pilot can't type and fly, so don't even think about bringing up the messaging system. VOIP is the only way.

                I disagree with him crashing it however.

                And yes, that is a great quote!


                • #23
                  I see your point about how kids can be immature and want the choppers for themselves, but I know alot of kids that can fly alot better then me(but thats not saying much). So next time a "noob" goes and does something stupid, don't think he is a kid, he could just very well be, some older guy, just as mature as you think you are.


                  • #24
                    You know what really pisses me off when you in attack heli and your the gunner and the pilot keeps ramming other attack helis.

                    I mean c'mon most the time person you ram ends up with the kills and points so why do they even try it.


                    • #25
                      The kids playing BF2 are more mature than the idiots at my school.


                      • #26
                        How so?


                        • #27
                          What's worse? Noobs confusing Apache's and Cobra's or News Crews (particulary UK ones) giving them the general term of 'Gunships' - I find the latter most annoying.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Zombie of PizzaRolls
                            Im homeschooled, so most school/people that work will be away while im here laying back playing BF2. No, I dont miss my social life. No, I dont miss my friends. Yes, im a loser.

                            nice lol

