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game keeps crashing!

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  • game keeps crashing!

    I got this game yesterday, installed it, all was fine. Today I went to EAgames website to look for update patches and I downloaded the latest one. Now when I join a game my PC will crash after about 5 minutes and the game freezes. Then the monitor will go blue and I have to restart my PC

    What should I do to stop this?

    oh and my system is:

    x2-4400 processor
    256 X800 XL
    2 x 512 RAM

  • #2
    do you have teh latest video drivers?


    • #3
      I think so, how do I check? I just got the catalyst thing from ATi's website.


      • #4
        go to their website check out the latest drivers.


        • #5
          I have the latest drivers for my video card. 05.7 catalyst I just found out!

          Any other ideas? I read somewhere that punkbuster could cause crashes.


          • #6
            well ALOT of peeps are having crash probs, most have acually giving up at fixing them, only sugestion i can give is a boycut of all EAs games


            • #7
              I have tried everything possible, done this, did that, fooled with this. I'm tired of worrying about screwing up my PERFECTLY fine PC just to play this retarded game. Its gotta be something so stupid, I feel its PUNKBUSTER, everyone should boycott there program and turn it off!
              Heres the funny part, the game runs fine at 1600x1200 resolution, all settings on HIGH on Singleplayer. IT's only on MULTIPLAYER! Also why is it that lesser computers run the game fine with no crashes? Sometimes I can play for hours others crash right after you spawn in. I GIVE UP, these crashes can't be good for the PC or HD's.
              ALL in ALL its BF2 , the BF2 Patch, or PUNK BUSTER. Not heat, not memory, NOT YOUR PC which was running fine before this wreck of a game was installed!

              I can play all day with no crashes witha AMD 3000 with 1 gig of ram and a 5700 ultra with a 66.** driver. (Yes I tried that driver in my new computer) WTF WTF WTF


              • #8
                Do not use ati catalyst 5.7.

                Download ATI catalyst 5.6.

                5.7 has some known issues for battlefield 2.


                • #9
                  I dont play on punkbuster servers and now it does not crash. I find it surprising that such a successful game is so fiddly.


                  • #10
                    I have the same problem and I have an nvidia card.

