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Bomb trajectories

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  • Bomb trajectories

    To all you pilots:
    When flying the jet, how can you gauge the trajectory of your bombs so they'll hit on target on the ground? I can only manage to hit the target 50% of the time. Any tricks of the trade you guys use to gauge the distance away from the target you must be from click to target?

  • #2
    I drop my bombs just before the curved line on the bottom of the bombing HUD crosses where I want the bombs to hit.

    Another good way for you to learn is to bind a key to the looking backwards camera so you can watch where your bombs hit.


    • #3
      Practice and get the feel for where the bomb is going to go.


      • #4
        I tried loads of ways of sighting bombs accuratly using the HUD, but i never did find a dead set place to line up with. After many hours in jets now, i can safely say theres only one way to hit all the time.... use the force ....

        As someone above said, just "get the feel of it" from practice and more practice. You hardly ever go on bomb runs at the same angle or speed, so the "release point" of bombs will always change. After a while you just seem to judge the release point by feel.

        Obviously the bombers floating parachutes of death you can just release at any reasonable height just a few metres in front of them, at any speed you seem to rack up masses of kills, but its still more effective to line the co-pilot up for easy "locked-on" tanks kills, you dont have to risk TK's that way either and you can drop your own bombs one at a time if he misses


        • #5
          Simple...the LINE going down the centre...that's the bombs tragectory...
          ...The bottome of the line is where the first bomb lands and the rest of the bombs follow in a line...Hence, following the line.

