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Stingers ?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dr-X
    The key is picking your shots - have patience, and wait for a good angle of attack, like from behind, or a side shot if it's travelling very slow, turning slowly, or hovering.
    Heh, it's good advice but that's exactly what I am doing. I just have no idea why some people seem to see this kind of behaviour and some don't. These are ideal shots. There is no way the missile can miss and yet there is either no impact or the missile seems to ricochet off. It's after these times that the missiles decide to chase down friendlies and the TKs come in. It doesn't happen all the time but it seems to happen quite frequently. Maybe it's just luck.

    I'm going to see if I can find a BF2recorder server so I can follow the missiles make a movie.


    • #17
      on sharqi stingers/gla are vital to your team, just have to have the right method of killing them. I find if they are too close then they dont get time to seek ... always best if they are coming at you or away from you.


      • #18
        I have no problem hitting choppers with Stingers, it would just be nice if they actually did significant damage instead of taking 6 or more to bug a Blackhawk. The real problem is the fast jets, even with a perfect lock-on and a rear-end shot they can just drop flares and be gone before you reload. Even sitting in the gattling gun/missile launchers on the Essex class carriers is no gaurantee of success, by the time you lock on, fire and reload the jets have bombed and left, taking minimal damage from the gattling gun. They then return and blow you up faster than you can get a lock on them. It might help if lock-on for jets was a bit beyond visual range, but I doubt they'd go for that. The only really effective counter to jets is other jets.


        • #19
          Stringers are awesome, I've whored an entire team at their spawn point with it. And some of those black hawks if you get a perfect 6:00 or 12:00 shot on them once they blow their flares its all over (Preferably 6:00, it will still track if their velocity is high and they make a turn.)

          You've just got to know how to use them. The missles can only track soo much, you must keep your crosshair lock on them, and you need to know the angles at which it is best to shoot them. If their hovering by all means hit them on the side and rip apart the crew inside them, but if their in serious motion fire from their rear. It will hit them unless they do a roll.


          • #20
            One trick that works well for me is to keep the target (mainly helos as planes tend to be too fast to do this) on my scope at the very edges. This keeps it from locking up and alerting the pilots. Then when they're hovering or focusing on ground targets, etc. drop them into the center of your scope, lock up, fire both missles quickly. In a lot of cases, if they're close to you, it happens too fast for them to react.

            I do feel that the stingers need help though. As far as I'm concerned, they shouldn't be automatic hits, but the pilots should have to do SOMETHING for them not to hit -- evade, flares, etc. It really pisses me off when the guy's sitting there completely still and staring at you and your missles go flying off to god knows where.

