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ServerSettings.con, makes no sense to me

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  • ServerSettings.con, makes no sense to me

    Hey guys.
    I initially posted this in the server support forum but I haven't gotten a single reply so I figured posting it here may give me at least one helpful reply.

    In my profile (C:\Documents and Settings\Senap\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0002), I find the ServerSettings.con file. This is the file BF2 reads when launching a Singleplayer game. Unfortunately, any changes made to it are overwritten by BF2 for some reason.

    With changes I mean like adding additional options such as the
    sv.DemoQuality 10
    The ServerSettings.con that resides in the mods\bf2\Settings folder seems to only work with LAN games and general internet games. Does anyone know what is going on, how to change the sv.DemoQuality 1 for Singleplayer games?

    Also, the ServerSettings.con found in the profiles folder uses a different format
    GameServerSettings.setServerName "Senap"
    when the regular ServerSettings.con uses
    sv.serverName "Senap"
    I have tried making BF2 read from the normal ServerSettings.con located in mods\bf2\settings but no luck so far.

    Any help is appreciated ^_^

  • #2
    Maybe a technical section? I have no idea what you just said...

