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Better at a dif kit?

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  • Better at a dif kit?

    hey, ok i usaly play spec ops, but ive been playing medic to get some points, but i noticed, with spec ops i seem to win the rounds, i still end up wit more team points and kills, when in medic i run around healing and reviving.

    Like this time when i came in real late as MEC on our last base, home base, i came in as spec op, i would usualy come in medic, ended up top 5, in just those few min left cornerd in our last base

    Should this tell me to stay at Spec Ops? lol

    well anyways, any of you like this? try to master one kit but end up always being better at another kit?

  • #2
    dunno, do what you do best man. I could never make as many points as spec ops as I do as a medic, but thats just me.


    • #3
      I play Spec-ops alot, a hughly underated class in BF2.

      Like taking out the UAV and arty doesnt get you points but the satisfaction of knowing you just pissed of the enemy commander is priceless.

      I move to other classes depending on what is needed in the game at the time but always end up back demolishing/boobytraping, just lots of fun .......

      Even better if EA patch the game so spec-ops get more credit.


      • #4
        they are, you will get points for blowing up commander assets in the next patch


        • #5
          I take it then there will be points for defending commander assets ?

          Sorry if Im getting of topic im just interested.


          • #6
            Being a commander next patch is really going to suck.


            • #7
              be a support gunner, too many n000b spec ops and medics. gees


              • #8
                I love playing spec-ops, I agree it's underrated. The rifle is really good, but the C4 on armor is just brutal. Great in urban environments. By the time they see you, they're a dust cloud.

                I play anti-tank too, but the rocket ammo is WEAK. Takes like 4 shots for a tank.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by diabolik
                  I love playing spec-ops, I agree it's underrated. The rifle is really good, but the C4 on armor is just brutal. Great in urban environments. By the time they see you, they're a dust cloud.

                  I play anti-tank too, but the rocket ammo is WEAK. Takes like 4 shots for a tank.

                  it only takes 2 AT rockets to kill a tank if you hit it on the treads (the lower side)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by diabolik
                    I love playing spec-ops, I agree it's underrated. The rifle is really good, but the C4 on armor is just brutal. Great in urban environments. By the time they see you, they're a dust cloud.
                    It's underrated?


                    • #11
                      I think stay at specops only people that are better at team points like me play medic support !


                      • #12
                        i also like anti tank, but i cant stand the primary guns in comes with, and with the g36c i just drop people everywhere lol,, and assult is good, but better in MEC but i dont like the launcher, i rather have more ammo


                        • #13
                          I love spec ops, and the g36c unlock is a wonderful gun IMO. I find spec op to be a lot more fun than a medic. The thrill of stealthily moving through your enemy's base and blowing their stuff up is just great

