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Deployable Fortification

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  • Deployable Fortification

    I was just thinking as a read another would be cool if players coluld deploy fortifications. My thoughts were of maybe 3 engineers getting together to be able to make a sandbag wall or something. It would spice maps up...but somehow I can see people building a wall of sandbags half a mile thick...

  • #2
    Wasn't it DC where the engineers had sandbags?


    • #3
      ive always thought that the game's terrain needed to be more destructable! like being able to destroy walls, and just fences. like the walls around the the U.S. Base on Dragon Valley. Walls of that sort.

      like a few tank rounds could destroy a portion of the wall, or some C4 charges, and let your squad go in (make things alittle more fun for spec ops haha).


      • #4
        Nah that would just drop the FPS even more.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sovetskeey
          Wasn't it DC where the engineers had sandbags?
          ya thats what gave me the idea, but that was kinda weird...a guy juat pulls a wall of sandbags out of nowhere and there it is. Thats why I was thinking it could be more realistic and you would have a have a few engineers working together to do it. It would probably be to big of a hit on framerates though.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sovetskeey
            Wasn't it DC where the engineers had sandbags?
            no.. it wasent in DC.7 or DCF... it was in DCX(desertcombat extended)


            • #7
              That would be ok but like 3 people on the whole map play engineer


              • #8
                I like the idea. However, i don't see a lot of people using the MG placements that are in the game already. I find when i use the ones that are in the game already, that i am a sitting duck if a lot of opfor is around. It'd be cool though for defending a flag if you could build some MG placements or Stinger sites. Neat idea man.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ~US~Riggs-
                  no.. it wasent in DC.7 or DCF... it was in DCX(desertcombat extended)
                  that may be, but it was in desert combat at one point (not .7). It was .4 or was some time ago.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RoadApples
                    I like the idea. However, i don't see a lot of people using the MG placements that are in the game already. I find when i use the ones that are in the game already, that i am a sitting duck if a lot of opfor is around. It'd be cool though for defending a flag if you could build some MG placements or Stinger sites. Neat idea man.
                    This game needs to let you deploy your MG on walls and such. Static mounted MGs are so retarded. The second you use one you become a target.


                    • #11
                      The main point though was to make fortifications to dig in and hold a base. IRL that would be the case alot of times. If you have 1 base left, you want to fortify as much as possible, then again youd just get artillry whored into submission as usual so it would ultimately be for naught.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by shadow_wolf
                        that may be, but it was in desert combat at one point (not .7). It was .4 or was some time ago.
                        It was .3 but I think they took it out because you could deploy sandbags on tanks and destroy them or something. Deployable sandbags would probably work quite well in BF2, but I seriously doubt you would ever be able to get 3 engineers working together as a team to build a sandbag wall, it's hard enough to get 2 people working together, let alone 3 of the same class.

                        I don't understand why people have this aversion to working together. It would make the game so much better.


                        • #13
                          ya, me and some clanmates work as a squad and its so much more fun than everyone being a lonewolf and doign their own thing. Teamwork makes it fun, but most people are in it for points and points alone. Maybe 2 engineers then? if you cant get 2 or 3 people working together then you dont deserve to take cover behind the sandbags. One main thing though is that even if they dont work together now, if you could do that people would be more apt to work as a team.


                          • #14
                            Heh, this idea kinda reminds me of mods in tribes 2, where you could build forts out of deployable blast walls and forcefields.

                            It would be cool if engineers could do something like this, it would definatly add something interesting to the class after they replaced those fun expacks with boring-old hand grenades. :hmm: How useful it would be depends on how its implemented of course, if it was just a static wall you could jump over and blow up, it probably wouldn't be used much. If it was tall enough that you couldn't jump over it and had to blow it up with AT rockets or c4, then it would be more useful, as well as give a new dimension to how people could defend or have to attack bases.

                            Originally posted by P3teR
                            Nah that would just drop the FPS even more.
                            I really doubt they would. Obviously the sandbags would have LOD models that are maybe a dozen polys or two, and would just plain fade out at longer disances like the other crates and such in the game already. That, and I really doubt giving engineers the ablility to create a static sandbag wall is going to flood servers with hordes of engineers. That, and each engineer would probably limited to 5 or so walls, much like how they are limited to 5 mines at a time.

                            As for generating lag, I doubt in this case they would either, especially in comparison to the amount of health and ammo bags being thrown around on maps, as well as mines and c4 being placed. Especially because those objects are affected by physics, while the stationary sandbag wall wouldn't be.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by RoadApples
                              I like the idea. However, i don't see a lot of people using the MG placements that are in the game already. I find when i use the ones that are in the game already, that i am a sitting duck if a lot of opfor is around. It'd be cool though for defending a flag if you could build some MG placements or Stinger sites. Neat idea man.
                              i think alot of the MG Placements arent in the right place.

