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Where's everyone gone.........

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  • Where's everyone gone.........

    How many times has this happened.......
    Game loads.....

    2-3 guys with faster computers/faster connection get in all the vehicles nearby and piss of into the distance leaving the majority of the team having to walk into battle.
    Why doesnt anyone wait anymore?

    Then your walking down the road cause you've used up all your sprint and a jeep flys by with one guy in it beeping his horn for you to get out of the way, you call for a lift and he beeps his horn again as he leaves you in his dust.

    When you spawn jump in a vehicle and wait a sec to see if anyone come then look around...... if you see a guy with steam coming out of his feet offer him a lift, getting guys to the fight is probably the most important part of war.

    Oh and guys who jump in the Blackhawk on the aircraft carrier and flys off on his own ......grrrrrrrrr

  • #2
    i wish the game made you wait for the rest of your team to get in before it actually started. i've played where i was the 1st one on my team but like 3 guys from the other team are there fast too and i just get killed.


    • #3
      I hear ya, I can load the map in like 10 seconds, but takes forever to verify client data. My ping is usually mid 20's and I got a ok puter... I dunno.


      • #4
        just find a better server. server selection is THE biggest factor to having a gg in BF2, IMO. the ones you are describing sound like they are filled with "lone wolves",(translation: a selfish, overly individual player in what is a team game), nOObs, or people that just don't care. they may be completely clueless.

        join a squad! (If there is one, that is! ).


        • #5
          Yeah, find a good server and remember the IP since there isn't a favorites list (doh, stupid EA/DICE). And for the loner blackhawk guy, that's what the deck gun is for.


          • #6
            Originally posted by =HzC=Heinz
            just find a better server. server selection is THE biggest factor to having a gg in BF2, IMO.
            You hit the nail on the head. When Im in a server and I find myself not having fun, I find another server and then Im good again =) My roomate get so pissed sometimes about his team and just refuses to leave the server so it just compounds. I keep tellin him lol.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dBs
              You hit the nail on the head. When Im in a server and I find myself not having fun, I find another server and then Im good again =) My roomate get so pissed sometimes about his team and just refuses to leave the server so it just compounds. I keep tellin him lol.
              yeah, exactly, there are SO many busy ranked servers out there, there's no reason to settle for shite. me & my guys keep a running list of good servers "stickied" on out forums. and, we all find each other via Ventrilo and/or x-fire.

              so, it works! ggs all the time!!!


              • #8
                Im just saying I see it alot, my puter/connection is quick im usually 1-2 in the server, so I sit there waiting to load up on troops and watch all the flag junkies speed of , think their missing the point of the game a bit,

                Just think moving as a unit is far more effective than speeding into a flag on your own only to find 3-4 enemy in a breadvan waiting for you.


                • #9
                  I believe there is a server setting that makes you wait a certain amount of time before the game starts if you have control of the server. I've been in them before and usually notice this because I am the first in every game I've played. It will count down so many seconds before the game starts. This really helps prevent the problems you mentioned above. I never take a transport vehicle or BH when I get in first. I'll usually take a tank instead since not many guys like being up in the turret of that thing anyway.


                  • #10
                    I randomly play ranked servers all the time and there are a few I've seen with a wait time.
                    Find one like that if you can.
                    Lately I haven't been playing maps that have uncaptured flags.


                    • #11
                      Yeah but, luckily I'm one of the faster connectors and I always get the tank.


                      • #12
                        fav list in 1.3 (apperently)

