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How Do You Pause the Game on Multiplayer??

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  • How Do You Pause the Game on Multiplayer??

    Ok, so sometimes I'm bunnyhopping around Karkand or Mushtur and popping people in the head:


    And then the phone rings. It's an important call from work -- they want to know why I keep taking 3 hour lunchbreaks. Anyway, I hit "escape" to answer the call, make up some excuse about how my imaginary girlfriend in Niagra Falls is bleeding from down there and I had to run out and get her some tampons, but I'll be right back to the office in a minute.

    Problem is, when I hit "escape" again, I'm at the respawn screen because I was killed.

    So how do I pause the game?

  • #2
    I know you were trying to be funny but I think you fell short.


    • #3
      You expect the other 30 players to wait for you?????


      • #4


        • #5
          lol is this question for real?


          • #6
            alt+F4 will do a 30 second pause


            • #7
              You pause the game the same way you hit pause in real life. Grab the ring finger on your right hand, and pull on it as hard as you can, keep pulling until the pain is unbearable or until you yank it off. When you do this, the entire world stops and everyone freezes in their tracks. You can go about your business and do whatever you like. I do not know how to unpause yet though.


              • #8
                Is he for real?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ikilled007
                  Ok, so sometimes I'm bunnyhopping around Karkand or Mushtur and popping people in the head:

                  BOOM! HEADSHOT! BOOM! HEADSHOT!

                  And then the phone rings. It's an important call from work -- they want to know why I keep taking 3 hour lunchbreaks. Anyway, I hit "escape" to answer the call, make up some excuse about how my imaginary girlfriend in Niagra Falls is bleeding from down there and I had to run out and get her some tampons, but I'll be right back to the office in a minute.

                  Problem is, when I hit "escape" again, I'm at the respawn screen because I was killed.

                  So how do I pause the game?
                  I Dont think you can pause it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ikilled007
                    Ok, so sometimes I'm bunnyhopping around Karkand or Mushtur and popping people in the head:

                    BOOM! HEADSHOT! BOOM! HEADSHOT!

                    And then the phone rings. It's an important call from work -- they want to know why I keep taking 3 hour lunchbreaks. Anyway, I hit "escape" to answer the call, make up some excuse about how my imaginary girlfriend in Niagra Falls is bleeding from down there and I had to run out and get her some tampons, but I'll be right back to the office in a minute.

                    Problem is, when I hit "escape" again, I'm at the respawn screen because I was killed.

                    So how do I pause the game?
                    You sir, are a moron.


                    • #11
                      Lol. Well if you're actually being serious, you can hit enter and then commit suicide, you won't be punished on your score, and just don't select a spawn point until you're ready to play again.


                      • #12
                        ur retarded, but hit enter once to bring you to spawn screen when ur dead you wont respawn


                        • #13
                          Hiding far away from combat is about the only way to "pause" in this game!

                          Besides, you're a sniper... it shouldn't be that hard to do, should it?

                          Originally posted by SmilingRaccoon
                          ur retarded, but hit enter once to bring you to spawn screen when ur dead you wont respawn
                          No, once you stay on that screen for so long, it automatically respawns you... try it for yourself.


                          • #14
                            if you deselect the spawn you wont


                            • #15
                              you have almost 22000 GP and youre asking how to pause an ONLINE game?

