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Should EA allow pub servers with minimum rank requirements?

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  • Should EA allow pub servers with minimum rank requirements?

    I posted about this earlier. Figured it's time for a poll to see some real results.

    Before you vote, take this into consideration:

    1) There will still be plenty of public servers to play on. Server hosting companies that host some like 10 servers do that to show their potential customers how good their servers are. If they lock their servers for minimum rank, they are losing a large potential client base, so many of them will not do it. Same goes for EA.

    2) A minimum ranked server is allowing exprienced players to play against each other. I never said skilled, I said experienced. This means they already played the game and know right from wrong.

    3) This will not in any way reduce gameplay for new players. New players will still be able to find a ton of great servers to play with.

    4) Again, I emphasize this, no one is losing here. There will still be great servers to play on, and only a few will decide to change to a minimum rank.

    5) If you think that this will encourage new players to get ripped apart in all-rank servers, that is not a bad thing. The new players will get ripped apart a few times and will learn how to play.

  • #2
    That would be kool but the server would always be full, then you would have to settle for a server full of smacktards...


    • #3
      its hard to find good servers ....adding min rank req. will take away more servers


      • #4
        Originally posted by dalemcalpine
        its hard to find good servers ....adding min rank req. will take away more servers
        Nah, I think it would increase good servers.

        One or two privates that dont plan to play BF2 long can ruin a game for 30 people.


        • #5
          Some Internode ranked servers have a rank limitation.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ricera10
            Some Internode ranked servers have a rank limitation.
            how is that possible?


            • #7
              offcourse it must be alowed, when someboidy pays mony for renting a server he has already enough things he have to do from EA for a ranked server, your freedom is almost 0 for a ranked server, you pay the mony, you should do what you want, if your server is ful or not this is for you to find out.

              In americas army there where lots of servers with min honor of 15, or even 25 . and there where even server who had a max honor of 15 , for the beginners


              • #8
                most of ppl with 30,000+ scores are still noobs...they get their higher ranks because of littering streets with ammo and health packs.....

                Voted NO...imho, it's more freedom without rules...cum on, don't ya all like pwning n00bs and getting points ?...n00bs also play with good players and learn from them


                • #9
                  Nah--age requirements would be better--no one under 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    I wouldn't have a problem with that as long as it was policed by EA to make sure that such servers would be in the minority.

                    But yeah i wouldn't mind that because it would mean i could go on 'noob' servers and get lots of frags

                    They have a similar thing on Americas Army they have 'elite' servers where you need a minimum of 25 honour to play and when your dead instead of viewing your team mates in third person which can aid people who ghost (help there friends when there dead by use of team speak) they can only view there team mates from first person and so can't really do that any more.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blud
                      Nah--age requirements would be better--no one under 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Hear. Hear.
                      I guarantee you the punish rate on a 21+ server would be dramatically lower than on a normal one.


                      • #12
                        I voted NO, rank has nothing to do with experience for many people (and you correctly say rank dosent have any correlation at all with skill) in fact the HIGHEST scored players in the world all have one-sided statsm, either always in the same map, or always medic, or always in helicopter (most likely)

                        If i was DICE i would have made some "training" missions, especially for the planes/heli's, as every other aspect is just standard FPS stuff that everyone is used to (but more advanced) these would require passing some basic flying tests to be allowed into air vehicles BUT they didnt add it so its too late imho.

                        Recently everytime i see someone with 3 stripes or more (25,000 points) they seem to spend the whole damn game doing one thing (usualy whoring a Black hawk) if anything i would say the lower ranked players are usually better to play with (the ones that are team-playing, not the average smacktard) as they dont THINK they are better then anyone else, and therefore act like teammates and not laws unto themselves.


                        • #13
                          There should be some Lance Corporal and up. Lance Corporal is just 1000 points, that filters the true newbies out. Though to be honest, the newbies don't hurt the playing, but perhaps a little more teamwork can be done this way.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DUSHMAN
                            most of ppl with 30,000+ scores are still noobs...they get their higher ranks because of littering streets with ammo and health packs.....

                            Voted NO...imho, it's more freedom without rules...cum on, don't ya all like pwning n00bs and getting points ?...n00bs also play with good players and learn from them
                            Straight up hypocrite. The guy that "litters the streets with ammo and health packs" is helping his team and himself. On the other hand you are only helping yourself.

                            I say Yes.

                            My experience with games that have higher ranked players usually results in a really good, intense match.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ZapStarfighter
                              Hear. Hear.
                              I guarantee you the punish rate on a 21+ server would be dramatically lower than on a normal one.

