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Spawing not at your flags

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  • Spawing not at your flags

    First off, I know there was another post around here somewhere that mentioned this. I believe it was in the punkbuster forum but that appears to be gone so I am going to post about it again here because the problem has not gone away and it does exist.

    I saw for myself last night an ememy player spawn at one of my flags right in front of me. <poof> There's an enemy spawning on the opposite teams flags. Their name was 'MarineOne'.

    Of course, I killed him right away because he just appeared in front of me but that's not the point. Keep an eye out for this. I know there isn't anything can be done but you should all be aware that this is definitely an existing hack/cheat/exploit.

  • #2
    Make sure he didn't spawn near his squad leader. Squad leaders that stay alive can serve as mobile spawn points for their squad members.


    • #3
      Is it possible that it was the name tag bug, and that he was really a teamate?


      • #4
        No and no. There was nobody around at all. If he had spawned on his squad leader I would have seen the squad leader too. He was that close. Absolutely no way he was spawning on his squad leader. Nope it wasn't the name tag bug, he was an enemy soldier dressed in the right gear and everything. I was USMC he was MEC.

        In the other post, which I guess is gone now, the same questions were asked and that guy was equally sure about it. Then another person claimed to see it too, so it seemed less like an anomaly. It would be hard to spot also unless you were looking right at one of the spots where you would spawn. I was lucky to be looking at that spot the moment he appeared.


        • #5
          Interesting. I'll have to keep a look out for this.



          • #6
            I looked up the players name whom appeared to do this (MarineOne) on but it got no results. Could just be that he created his account after the public stat servers were cut off though so they don't have an updated player list. I dunno.


            • #7
              is it possible it was a laggy player, and he kind of just lagged into view, and it looked like a spawn?


              • #8
                Originally posted by pk1209
                is it possible it was a laggy player, and he kind of just lagged into view, and it looked like a spawn?
                Must've been one helluva lag spike


                • #9
                  Nope, he wasn't lagging. One second not there then the next <poof> right in front of me and I shot him dead. It was in a corner of 2 buildings on Sharqi at the city gates control point. Right around the corner from the flag (not in the street but around the corner of the building where you can still cap the flag from. He was on that side right down in the corner. He just appeared there. I know it's weird. I am also aware of a hack that will let you change teams but not really change teams. I think it makes you look like the enemy team but you are still on the other team allowing you to spawn at the enemey base. This hack doesn't sound exactly like what I saw if it changes your appearance. It might just change the red & blue indicators so that you show up blue to the enemey, but it could be related codewise. The guy I saw showed red for enemy...

