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the one good idea from BFV to do in BF2

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  • the one good idea from BFV to do in BF2

    I was just wondering why helicopters lost the ability to transport vehicles via cable?

    I think this was a great idea, and allowed the abilty to move armor quite fast up to the front line.

    It would still be risky, especially with those fighters flying around, and obviously attack helicopters wouldn't be able to do this, but it would increase the purpose of the transport copter a little more than the big fat bird BH ramming machine (as far as the MEC and PRC choppers go)


  • #2
    awesome idea, but a lil difficult for the meatheads at dice to implement


    • #3
      Originally posted by chinpokomon
      awesome idea, but a lil difficult for the meatheads at dice to implement
      I agree.

      I'd say it wouldn't be too troublesome for a mod to add this feature, but as for depending on DICE to actually implement this? No, not a chance.


      • #4
        I think it is not in the game because it's not happening in our days anymore. Like in Iraq, they didn't use blackhawks to transport tanks. :laugh:


        • #5
          Originally posted by chinpokomon
          awesome idea, but a lil difficult for the meatheads at dice to implement
          Or maybe because that idea was developed by Dice Canada (the portion of Dice that made BFV). Dice Sweden and Canada think and develop differently.

          It's a good thing Dice Sweden didn't implement that, the last thing we want is something like the crap-tastic BFV. :laugh:


          • #6
            Now that you mention it, I really do miss crushing people with tanks and boats

            bombs.... away.

