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Crash to Desktop / lag / stutter / fixed??

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  • Crash to Desktop / lag / stutter / fixed??

    I have old MB... 2.1 Athlon / 6600GT 128 / SB Live / 1.5GB Ram (1GB + 2x256)

    Game was crashing to desktop at end of rounds 3-4 times per night. Went and removed hardware accelleration in dxdiag stopped the crashing to desktop but started audio pauses with game stutter and connection dropout. Put sound to 'low' didnt help. Replaced SB Live with an Audigy2 card... put the sound to 'hardware' and quality 'high', put back dxdiag crashes no stutter no nothing. Well worth the upgrade $$. Sounds so awesome on high audio settings!

    Other troubleshooting done:

    1. Ran 'cpuz' to get RAM settings, adjusted BIOS to match.
    2. defrag HD
    3. put another fan blowing right on the vid card
    4. updated all drivers

    Money spent so far on BF2:
    New video card $160
    New sound card $70
    Game $50
    Total so far : $280

    More RAM : $120
    Video card trade up: $150

  • #2
    i know i have the same problem...the first night kicks me out 3 times...then i get back on then it crashes to my desktop....then today at lunch my norton antivirus found a trojan in the BF2.exe i am going home tonight to uninstall the game....i am pissed....i have norton and spysweeper...grrr...


    • #3
      Originally posted by aznsensation18
      i know i have the same problem...the first night kicks me out 3 times...then i get back on then it crashes to my desktop....then today at lunch my norton antivirus found a trojan in the BF2.exe i am going home tonight to uninstall the game....i am pissed....i have norton and spysweeper...grrr...
      A trojan in the BF2.exe? Interesting.......


      • #4
        that is what i stunned me...i play with my norton and spysweeper on....and i was like if I uninstall it i hope it goes away.... *fingers crossed*

