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Any reason I can't max out settings?

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  • Any reason I can't max out settings?

    I've tried maxing out my settings, and can actually only go up to 1280x960 in the game, I guess limited by my monitor. Nonetheless, turning everything up to high and AA to 6x, I still get some stuttering.

    Maybe I'm just expecting too much out of my system, but I thought it should be able to handle the game maxed out with no stuttering. I just upgraded the graphics card from the 9800 pro and added another gig of ram so my current specs are in my sig. Any ideas on what could be causing the stuttering? Processor not fast enough? Any settings that do no good that I should just turn off? I see a lot of people using no AA and have also heard some things about the lighting effects. I just turned the AGP aperture from 128 to 256, and that seemed to boost the FPS a little bit, but still noticed some stuttering. Maybe it also has to do with the fact that I'm a pilot. Could it have something to do with everything just moving too fast to handle?

  • #2
    I have a similar rig to yours. I think it's just not optimized for ATI people yet. Remember how poorly Battlefield Vietnam ran when it first came out? It took several patches and new ATI drivers to get it running smoothly. I'm guessing with a few more patches this game will be running the way it should on higher end systems. And people who say that 3Ghz and below isn't high end, they're retarded so don't listen to them.


    • #3
      Increasing your AGP Aperture size to huge amounts doesn't actually boost performance. It only increases the amount of memory addresses available to your card. 128MB is a good AGP aperture size for almost every card, 256MB isn't necessary.

      Maybe you should tune down the AA to 4x. You don't really need 6X AA at the higher resolutions. Defragmenting your hard drive might help aswell. On the first day I played BF2, my hard drive was doing a lot of seeking even after a map was loaded (causing stuttering). I hadn't defragmented in a while. When I had defragmented my hard drive, the performance seemed to improve.

      I'm running the game on the High Quality preset, with 4x AA on 1024x768. I'm on a 3.28GHz P4 Prescott, 1GB PC3300, XFX 6600GT 567/1130.


      • #4
        Heerst, what kind of framerates are you getting in 64 player servers? I play at 1024x768 with 2xAA and everything on high and I get framerate drops into the 30's with 64 players. That's not bad at all mind you, but I just expect higher framerates out of my rig.

        3.2ghz p4
        2gig PC3200 Corsair
        X800PRO 256DDR


        • #5
          I haven't tested my fps yet, but it usually looks quite smooth to me. Do you have every setting on high, or are you using the high quality preset? Because the high quality preset has medium textures and medium lighting, and everything else set to high. That might make the difference.


          • #6
            I have everything on high, custom settings


            • #7
              The command to see fps is renderer.drawfps 1


              • #8
                Originally posted by Heerst
                Increasing your AGP Aperture size to huge amounts doesn't actually boost performance. It only increases the amount of memory addresses available to your card. 128MB is a good AGP aperture size for almost every card, 256MB isn't necessary.

                Maybe you should tune down the AA to 4x. You don't really need 6X AA at the higher resolutions. Defragmenting your hard drive might help aswell. On the first day I played BF2, my hard drive was doing a lot of seeking even after a map was loaded (causing stuttering). I hadn't defragmented in a while. When I had defragmented my hard drive, the performance seemed to improve.

                I'm running the game on the High Quality preset, with 4x AA on 1024x768. I'm on a 3.28GHz P4 Prescott, 1GB PC3300, XFX 6600GT 567/1130.
                agp apperture helps stuttering.
                im at 512 stuttering is completely gone.


                • #9
                  i run at 1280x1024 all setting ultra high(no notable diff from high jus lazy to switch) 4x aa 8xaf 50-80 fps constant


                  • #10
                    tyr finding a good server thats close to your location.... like a west cost server will let me play at higher specs and stuff

