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commanders should lose points for lost of game

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  • commanders should lose points for lost of game

    likewise grunts should lose points for not following commander orders...

    this should get team play more viable.

  • #2
    I agree with them not following orders... TOO MANY times have I instructed squads to defend a position.. when only ONE SINGLE enemy was capping the flag.. so the loss of it could have been easily prevented... Nobody wants to listen though.. I still win 4 out of 6 games as commander though.. things seem to be getting a *little* better lately.. though I mostly play on the same server all the time.. If just a few small squads would guard key points on Karkand and listen to you.. for example.. with a good commander.. you could completely "PWN" the map - Nobody cares though.. they all just want to spawn @ the first flag closest to the US spawn point and go on nading spree's and get taken out by US's n00b Tubes (I play MEC 9/10 of the time) Point loss for commander though... that's a big negative.. maybe if we had the option to disable a player from spawning anywhere... then maybe that would be feasible.. as we would have a way to keep the troops in line and make sure they follow orders..

    but as I said.. nobody wants to be part of a team.. You need to start your own clan or find some good friends or something.. thats about it.. its a lone wolf world.. too many preteens that dont understand teamwork or care about it


    • #3
      The whole "not following commander's orders" thing isn't such a great idea. Let's face it, there are idiots out there and sometimes they magically get to be commander. I don't personally want a squad of three men being ordered to cap a flag with 10 defenders. Sometimes squad leaders and lone wolves have to make their own decisions because they're actually in the thick of the battle, the commander isn't.


      • #4
        not to make things more complicated... but teams should have the option to actually VOTE on their commander.. if someone Applies to be commander, they're score and total hours as commander should be displayed.. so the TEAM can choose who they want to take orders from... getting pushed over because of rank is a *****.. cuz from what i've seen.. most of the guys suck as commanders. all the commanders i see immediately use artillery.. and use it at every chance they get.. they all have their own vendetta. ANNOYING! I use it maybe 3 times tops.. during a game.. and its NEVER near any friendlies. I just inform squad leaders its available to them.. its their call... and its the way it should be. I know in real life I would NOT be happy about some guy droppin **** on me when he doesnt know EXACTLY whats going on in that area..

        even if it takes a minute or two longer to get IN game.. to make the experience more realistic and enjoyable.. i think it would be worth it


        • #5
          I dont think commander's should be held responsible for a team's loss, if the commander was doing his/her job properly, since it up to the team mates to decided whether or not they are gonna to listen to the commander.

          I've played as a commander for quite a bit, and I did what is required by me as commander by dropping supplies, scanning, amd auv's, etc.., but if i ask squad to attack/defend/move to a position because I see something that they arent able to, its really up to them to listen or not, and there is nothing you, as a commander, can do.

          Trust me, I've played as a commander, where I asked a squad to go to flag, and they completely go to a different flag, but thats their choice, but dont hold the commander accountable for the loss, if commander was doing what he/she is expected to as commander.

          I agree, I notice there are a lot of lone wolves playing the game, I wish there was some way to go bout fixing this problem.


          • #6

            When in command your primary objectives are supplies spotting and relaying information and artillery.

            Orders should be left for the squad leaders to take care of.

            As for commanders losing points for losing thats a joke , IT IS NOT THE COMMANDERS FAULT THAT THE PLAYERS HE COMMANDS SUCK!

            Also commanders being punished for stupid noobs running into artillery when they have clear warning and plenty of time to get out again is rediculous.

            Command is a boring job and not the most profitable point wise especially if you lose.


            • #7
              I score pretty highyl as commander(50s before doubled) and rarely use arty. You get a lot more points/less TKs if you simply zoom and spot out EVERYONE around. Call in uav when people ask for them same for supplies. People never Ever listen to my orders, so I stop sending them in most games. I only use the arty occasionly and that makes it more effective. If as a CO you drop arty once per minute, then the enemies are constantly expecting it and never bunch up. Let it sit idle for 3 minutes or so, then they all get together and die in groups of 10+.


              • #8
                making someone lose points for nto following commander orders is the most retarded thing i have ever hear, what if the commander is making you walk into a base filled with enemy that he doesnt see, or is making you walk into an enemy artillery strike


                • #9
                  Punishing commanders for people not following orders is like punishing the people of germany today for Hitlers actions.



                  • #10
                    Commander: "Attack this position!"
                    Squad leader: "Negative"
                    *You have been punished and court martialed for your disobedience.*

                    I think it is a great idea for people to be punished for not following orders. But the commanding officer would have to sit down and fill out a bunch of papers and then load the "JAG" map in BF2 and everyone would have to be called as witnesses and if the defendant looses they get banned from the game. If the plaintiff looses he gets -1000 points. I think its a great idea, what does everyone else think?>??????


                    • #11
                      not folowing order can have his reasons :

                      the commander sucks and you know better, so you want to take another point
                      your squad is still strying to get another point and succeeding in it, so you go back to your squad, not to a point 5 miles away just because the commander wants this

                      the commander does not heve to loose points because his team lost the round, if the team lost the round the commander won't have to many points anyway, and he needs to be punished because his team sucked ?

                      However, commanders should be punished if they do nothing, like me, when I am commander it can happen I go to the toilet and sit there for like 10 min, or eat something, go back to the game , see lots of requests (rpv, suplie, ...) but I have scored while I was .... hehe , morons


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CTUnit1
                        Commander: "Attack this position!"
                        Squad leader: "Negative"
                        *You have been punished and court martialed for your disobedience.*

                        I think it is a great idea for people to be punished for not following orders. But the commanding officer would have to sit down and fill out a bunch of papers and then load the "JAG" map in BF2 and everyone would have to be called as witnesses and if the defendant looses they get banned from the game. If the plaintiff looses he gets -1000 points. I think its a great idea, what does everyone else think?>??????

                        i refused to be punished for a commander giving and idiot order, that will just make me and other ppl not join squads so the commander cant issue orders to us.

