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Expansion Pack

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  • Expansion Pack

    So from what i have read they are adding 6 new factions (Navy Seals, SAS etc) does this mean we are going to have guys running around in different cammy's? cause there is only 8 new levels and i dont really like the idea of different colors running around in a fire fight? am i reading it wrong or is this really how its going to be? maybe its just me but i kinda was hoping they would fix BF2 first then later on do a expansion pack, little to early. I think EA/DICE are looking for $$ than acuall player outlook. And if the stats dont transfer over i am really going to be pissed

  • #2
    EA said the stats are tranfered upon completion of installation


    • #3
      Originally posted by Super Six Three
      EA said the stats are tranfered upon completion of installation
      I wonder if you get to unlock the weapons if your stats are high enough, or if you have to get "special forces" points.


      • #4
        Dice Canada is making the Expansion. Dice Sweden is working on patching up the game. They said it themselves on a gamespot interview.


        • #5
          anyone know the question about the camy's? i mean are there going to be like 6 different speical forces guys running around killing each other? another thing i dont get,lol are they going to make it special forces vs special forces? that would be really crappy if they did?


          • #6
            it is special forces against apecialforces , offcourse, and what is your question about all those colors on new maps and stuff?? don't get it actualy.

            There may be 6 army's in SF , but in a round it is still one team VS another team, so only two army in a round at once.


            • #7
              Originally posted by rombaft
              it is special forces against apecialforces , offcourse, and what is your question about all those colors on new maps and stuff?? don't get it actualy.

              There may be 6 army's in SF , but in a round it is still one team VS another team, so only two army in a round at once.
              What about the older maps, are we going to be able to use navy seals and stuff in the older maps (sharqi pen etc)

