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Does 300% in BF2 recorder really go faster?

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  • Does 300% in BF2 recorder really go faster?

    Because I notice no difference at all...

    Also is there any word on a rewind feature or any mods out there working allowing you to move back and forth amongst a timeline in the demo?

    Got some good fights recorded but they are all like 45 minuts into a demo and I am sick of going back and forth trying to get camera angles shot.

  • #2
    300% can be buggy and not work correctly, varies for me.

    No rewind feature, no future with a rewind feature either, apparantly.


    • #3
      300% is three times as fast, and works just fine for me. I could see it being sluggish if your system specs aren't up to par though.

      As for a rewind function, probably not gonna happen. The physics and animations in the game aren't set up to run in reverse.


      • #4
        Well not so much a rewind button but a way to jump to a certain point in the demo... got me why they couldn't do it... every other game I have played with demos has the ability.

        300% just speeds up the animations on my screen, but the match does not play any faster.

