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The best TVD in the world... EVER!

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  • The best TVD in the world... EVER!

    TVD = Team Vehicle Damage. :laugh:

    Anyway I was in the big Chinese chopper (at the rear), capped a couple of flags and decided it was time for me to bail out. So I hit my exit key and instantly get a TVD, I did nothing else other than bail from the chopper!

    Anyone beat that?

  • #2
    Well soemtimes lamers in jeeps and stuff ram inot you and you get it if they lose more than 1/3 of their health...I felt so bad, I was driving a loaded humvee and the server was lagging. I crash into a rapidly Retreating Abrahams, and he got 4 TKs. It was set on auto punish or something cuz he got teh ban. I felt like such a dope cuz that was totally my fault and nothing either of us could ahve done about it.

    Edit: *Looks at typos* Time for sleep.


    • #3
      Sitting in a non-moving tank defending our flag, and a teammate rams into me with a full-speed FAV, exploding just after the collision. I got: Team vehicle damage, team kill, punish. Wooot!


      • #4
        I shot down a Havoc with minigun. It exploded near our BH blowing it up... -14 TKP for me... nobody punished, though...


        • #5
          This wouldn't apply to your situation, but you can get TVD by damaging your team's commander stuff (arty, uav, etc.). I found that out by accidentally hitting my team's arty while trying to kill an enemy vehicle.


          • #6
            i seen this one dude flying a full black hawk hit a nother half filled hawk before. he got hella tk's lol his score was like -50 somthing


            • #7
              he sounded like was about to cry lol (mic)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Spuddy
                TVD = Team Vehicle Damage. :laugh:

                Anyway I was in the big Chinese chopper (at the rear), capped a couple of flags and decided it was time for me to bail out. So I hit my exit key and instantly get a TVD, I did nothing else other than bail from the chopper!

                Anyone beat that?

                Why, yes... yes I can...

                Just the other night, I was playing on Dragon Valley. I was simply walking down one of the roads with my squad when I got the "Team vehicle damage" message. The strange thing is, I hadn't even been near ANY vehicles in a good few minutes, and I hadn't come anywhere close to hitting one with any type of weapon in at least 5 to 10 mins or so. I hadn't played engy at all during that map, so forgotten mines weren't to blame.

                I still have absolutely no idea why that happened. I didn't notice if the points were actually removed, or I just got the message, but I suspect that if the message came up on the screen, I most likely lost the points.


                • #9
                  Well I gotta say, that (^) definately takes first place.


                  • #10
                    well, this aint actually tvd, but i was walkin up the hill and suddenly got the message that sum1 had killed me (don't remember the wpn).. i was still walking though so i must be a zombie? and as gator said, i think he was awarded for that.. wonder if that guy actually killed someone or just got a free kill


                    • #11
                      lol quality stuff... nothing beats the player named PunkbusterClient joining our server, telling everyone "To unlock all weapons, press alt+f4!" and seeing 10 players drop.


                      • #12
                        i let off a rocket once (by mistake) in a fully loaded BH the guys were not to happy with me \ i found it funny though

