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Where the bomb falls...

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  • Where the bomb falls...


    I've been flying planes in BF2 for a long time now and I always wondered how you could predict where a bomb will fall by using the hud.

    It's really easy when you fly a chopper: look at the pic.
    *pic removed*
    If I had to fire now, the missile would explode on the red dot I've drawn. That is between the two green bars on the screen.

    BUT, when you fly a bomber...
    *pic removed*
    Who can tell me where the bomb will fall on this pic ?
    Everytime I try to aim with the green bar on a bomber I miss my target. Can anyone explain me how you need to position your plane to drop your bomb exactly where you want it ? What part of the hud do you have to use ?

    Please help me out here

  • #2
    when you are dropping youre bombs in a sharp turn shown on youre pic, they will probably fly alot the the right. Its the best that you just fly straight to the target and drop them 50 meters before them, but do not fly to high.

    i think you should turn on the battlerecord and drop soms bombs and then look where they drop.


    • #3
      woah dude, nice tip with the heli; i never knew that...

      in return for that very useful heli aiming info, ill do my best.

      bombers have "high drag" bombs, so when you drop them they fall forward with momentum, but not too far. they also fall pretty slow. fighters however have "slick" bombs and hence travel forward a lot more then bomber bombs.

      i have no clue as to the relationw ith the hud; ive never tried to analyse it properly, but mayi ask - have u tried aiming with the big green bar AND the little one? (at bottom) i have a feeling it should at least be close to one of the two... (or possibly between them??)


      • #4
        honestly with the bombs its tricky, cause it depends on speed height and what not. same with the helicopter. With the bomber i know exactly how to drop them, i go straight up to a certain point 200 feet or so then do a nose dive pointed to the spot you want to drop them then release them then swoop off.


        • #5
          Practice in this way.

          Make your own server. Use Operation Clean Sweep 64. Find a good target area, like a tank spawn in the middle of nowhere. Make a squad and use the Squad Rose (T) and target the vehicle on the ground, directly on top of it with Attack (or Destroy if you so well desire). Get in the bomber and fly around.

          Get real far away so you can take the time to slow down to exactly 800 speed, level out at 100m altitude, and line up your shot.

          When you are at exactly 230m away from the target (note that the command markers do not take up and down into consideration in means of distance, only lateral), drop the bombs, and the five bombs will fall between 230 and 170m, the third of the five bombs landing directly on target. MEANING that the exact number you see on the target is the exact distance these bombs travel at that speed (800) and height (100m).

          Use this to bomb at varying heights. Always try to be level on both X and Y axis, staying to altitude and not tilted in any way. If you are at 50m altitude, drop the bombs at 150m away and the bombs will hit around 130 to 70 ahead.

          You'll have to factor gravity into the equation a lot more at higher altitudes, but really, you should never have to or try to bomb above 100m in this game. At 200, try droppong the bombs at 340m away instead of just double than when you were at 100m, as gravity will have taken more of an effect.

          After some time, a lot of things in this game come natural and You'll be able to figure out when and where to deploy bombs at varying speeds and heights, even at angles and while turning, without aid of the command marker.

          But actually, those command markers are really good for this situation, since it does everything that the rangefinder target painter that was taken out of the game was supposed to do for pilots.


          • #6
            woah dude, nice tip with the heli; i never knew that...

            i have no clue as to the relationw ith the hud; ive never tried to analyse it properly, but mayi ask - have u tried aiming with the big green bar AND the little one? (at bottom) i have a feeling it should at least be close to one of the two... (or possibly between them??)

            I've done some test with the american VTOL
            *pic removed*
            If I had to fire now, the bomb would fall on the red dot. That is a little behind the enemy fighter plane on the airfield.
            The problem is that almost all the planes in the game have different hud's, some fighters have a small green line, some have long ones. The bombers have long green lines too... So that makes it kind of difficult
            I suppose I'll have to try out every plane to make sure this is true


            • #7
              You're right Halious, I've practiced bombing keeping in mind what you said... and it's lot more precise


              • #8
                the chopper picture is crap, and not true

                where your missiles go depends on your speed in your angle, how slower you gow, how closer the misiles in the chopper will go to the aim cros, the faster you go how further they will go from your aiming point.

                Same thing with bombs on planes, you have to understand your angle and speed, once you master this, you will know where your bombs will drop, he aim point you see on your screen is just something to help you


                • #9
                  you have to get a 'feel' for where the bombs will land. the HUD is useless.


                  • #10
                    Here's an easy way to figure out where your bombs are landing... just bind a key on your joystick... mine is the hat button.. to front chase cam... or maybe it's rear.. whichever is in front of plane looking towards rear... then fly... drop your bombs, pull the stick back, and hit the button to see where your bombs are landing behind you.

                    simple.. then adjust from there on the next run... drop them earlier, or later.. depending on where they are landing... also, if you are bombing armor, you want to dive bomb them more so that your hits will be more concentrated... but if you're bombing for infantry, make sure you fly a straight line so that the spread of the bombs is greater.


                    • #11
                      WHat's up with all the removed pics? I was wanting to see the heli tip!


                      • #12
                        in all the heli cockpits there's a "horizon" bar wich helps you determin where the missiles will end up. not, this only works when flying in a straight line, and tehrefore great for not waisting all 14 missiles while strafing a tank without hitting the tank at all. (had problems hitting with the ffars untill i worked out the line thingy)

