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More new vid cards this month?

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  • More new vid cards this month?

    We create the world’s fastest supercomputer and largest gaming platform.

    There's a banner in the middle of the page under "Features" that says on August 11th Nvidia releases "The power of 3." I've been lookin around and nobody really knows what it is, but a good thought I heard was that they would release a 7800 GT and a 7800 Ultra. Anybody got anything on this?

  • #2
    sounds like it. cant wait.


    • #3
      SLI with 3????? lol maybe Shader 3.0????


      • #4
        I would guess the release of the 7600 and 7200 series.

        Or possibly the 7800GT, and 7800 vanilla.

        EDIT: after some reading, it is supposedly not what I mentioned.

        NOT 3 cards in SLI
        NOT 3 GPUs on one card
        NOT a triple head card
        NOT good for consumers
        NOT new 7x00s
        NOT a PS3 announcement

        (so far none of our guesses are correct)

        POSSIBLY Multi-monitor support for SLI
        POSSIBLY Nforce chipset related
        POSSIBLY SM 3.0 / SLI / HDR
        POSSIBLY 3 Processors working together (1 GPU / 2 CPU dual core)
        POSSIBLY New drivers
        POSSIBLY Holy spirit infused into graphics card

        (Someone has guessed correctly!)

        My guess is SM 3.0 / SLI / HDR, which is nothing but a marketing gimmick.


        • #5
          There are boards out there with 3 PCI-Express cards, but SLi only supports a bridge of 2 cards right now.


          • #6
            If it is indeed 3 card SLI, that is ****ing stupid. 3 ****ing graphics cards? No, that's just being greedy. Hell, even 3 x 6600GT would be around $750, while 3 x 7800GTX would be $1,800 alone!

            I think 2 7800GTX's is fine, thanks.


            • #7
              2 7800GTX's are more than enough for now, they are even bottlenecked by almost any processor out right now.


              • #8
                power of 3?
                it could be because the the 7800 series has 3 cores,
                pixel core
                and some other thing that needs to be balanced or "synched" so it will overclock
                i havent got a clue really im still working on it,
                i oced mine from 430mhz to 500 and got a 2 fps boost :cry:

                something about balancing the 3 cores from what i hear...
                not that it needs ocing atm :evil: :laugh:


                • #9
                  3 GPU working simultaneously would not be feasible, like someone stated 2 GPU's are heavily bottlenecked even with the top of the line processors.


                  • #10
                    ok found out what it is lol...

                    ""Heh there we go. The power of three is a marketing campaign in which nvidia touts its superior featureset over the competition. A campaign aimed to promote, SLI, HDR, and SM 3.0.""

                    also -

                    "The "The Power of 3" is an upcoming marketing campaign with an underlying goal that benefits the industry and consumers. NVIDIA has identified three key features that define the standard for today's graphics cards. If a graphics card does not support all three features, then it is based on "old technology." - from the nvidia faq part of their site :laugh:

