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distorted textures and disappearing objects

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  • #16
    Havent clocked it...runs stock speed aand it used to work fine!


    • #17
      You got the 5.6 driver? Or as people have said above heat? Or Power Supply could be a number of things?


      • #18
        Leadtek GT 6600 Extreme

        Could it be that it is too high factory-clocked?


        • #19
          Maybe, or a glitch in the game most likely, latest Force ware???


          • #20
            Tried 77.77, 77.76, 77.74 (or .75)

            Going crazy, thinking about RMA this suxxer


            • #21
              Originally posted by ragor
              When i first got the game it ran relatively smooth with the occasional hiccup and fps drop. So to fix this i decided to update the drivers...from an earlier omega drivers to ati catalyst 5.7.

              i ran battlefield and after a short time objects such as tanks and trees started to disappear or blink. then the texture of buildings, grass and vehicles changed to a multi colored mess which made gameplay difficult.

              i rolled back to the previous drivers then tried newer omega drivers and attempted using the 2.5.6 ngo drivers. all showing the same problem
              i also tried reinstalling battlefield 2 and tweaking with the settings all to no avail

              Pentium 4 2.80c
              1.5gb pc3200 ram
              gigabyte radeon 9800 pro
              help. thx

              It is a known issue with ATI, set textures and geometries to medium. ATI is aware and is currently working on a fix for this problem.


              • #22
                Stick with Leadtek certified one on there website and wait for the patch to come out. Or you gcould try Rivatuner and lower the clock and memory settings a touch and see if that makes a difference.


                • #23
                  Will try man.


                  • #24
                    moral of the story....allways make sure you clean out the "dodgy" drivers properly before instaling the newer/original ones again..ohh and dont buy ATI cards not least till the new ones come out :laugh:

                    awaits the backlash of the ATI fanboys wrath

