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darkess problem

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  • darkess problem

    Hey guys. i have a problem running bf2 on my pc. the entire game is wayyy dark. the menus, everything. on most maps its too dark to really play. its so dark i cant distinguish any features on my gun or arm. inside many buildings its pitch black. i have an nvidia 6600GT gfx card and 512mb DDR RAM. i have downloaded the latest nvidia drivers as well as the one that came with the bf2 installation. i have encountered other people with the same problem, and none of them have been able to figure it out. please if anybody has a solution let me know. thanks in advance

  • #2
    Hmmm, I know you probably have already done this, but have you messed with the brightness settings?


    • #3
      on my monitor, yes, if there is a way to do it in game i have no discovered it.


      • #4
        What video card do you have? Have you check to see if you have some weird overlay on perhaps?


        • #5
          thanks for your help everybody but i was able to solve the problem. i found a great third party windows utility that allows me to alter the master brightness far past what the nob on my monitor allows me to.

