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Suppot points but not cheating

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  • Suppot points but not cheating

    Ok this isnt cheating, go to your teams airport base, carrier. The be support and people always stand around waiting for planes get bored and shoot i mean cmon. so i picked support on gulf oman mec side like 5 people waiting for jets. I throw ammo all over they run around messing arond while firing run over ammo. when no one was there i get in jet get lik 1 or 2 killz and go back and "SUPPORT" . So i get say 20 points from ammo 5 from jet killz, wala 30 points. An no shots fired. strategy for people who are hippies and like peace

  • #2
    Originally posted by Hollister360
    Ok this isnt cheating, go to your teams airport base, carrier. The be support and people always stand around waiting for planes get bored and shoot i mean cmon. so i picked support on gulf oman mec side like 5 people waiting for jets. I throw ammo all over they run around messing arond while firing run over ammo. when no one was there i get in jet get lik 1 or 2 killz and go back and "SUPPORT" . So i get say 20 points from ammo 5 from jet killz, wala 30 points. An no shots fired. strategy for people who are hippies and like peace

    AT first it sounded like padding.. but then I thought about it and its really not. I mean I am throwing health packs about around a flag encase people need em when it gets hot with fire and health goes low. I guess its the same thing.

    I just have a problem seeing people go off on their own at the corner of the map and start resuppling/killing/healing... etc. all by themselves. Can't wait for patch to help this.


    • #3
      Yeah, you see this sometimes when people are waiting for the blackhawk. People get bored and shoot off their weapons.


      • #4
        I certainly would not want to earn my support points that way. it's lame.


        • #5
          YEah seems sorta lame i must say


          • #6
            Actually, what's lame about this isn't the guy resupplying the others... it's the idiots shooting at planes, helicopters, or each other because they are bored waiting for jets/choppers to respawn while others are actually getting over to the battle by other means, trying to win the round.

            I say drop artillery on them.


            • #7
              Well it is a good idea but well you know it seems like a bit of short cut

