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Is it just me???

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  • Is it just me???

    Ok, I have to say that I am finding this a little too often these days.

    I am in a damaged APC or Tank and meet an enemy in another comparable vehicle. We start shooting each other and then I need to exit as there are only 3 health bars left, I ALWAYS SEEM TO EXIT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ENEMY!!!!

    I mean, why can’t he get out on the OTHER SIDE and run while I get the anti-tank ready to fire? Nooooooo, I need to get out and look right down the barrel of that tank… and hope, just hope that he is reloading and that his machine gun has overheated!!!!


  • #2
    It's not just you, and I'd rather not talk about it......


    • #3
      damn i guess your un lucky but i thought he always left vihicle on the left side


      • #4
        I have the problem of dieing after exiting my about to explode vehicle. But of course whenever my enemies exit their about to explode vehicle they manage to escape it's explosion. 9 times out of 10 they're also the anti-tank kit.



        • #5
          no its not you


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sonork
            I have the problem of dieing after exiting my about to explode vehicle. But of course whenever my enemies exit their about to explode vehicle they manage to escape it's explosion. 9 times out of 10 they're also the anti-tank kit.

            x99999 still trying to figure that one out.


            • #7
              it always exits me on the left side


              • #8
                That kept happening to me last night on the oilfields map....

                I would always get in a tank, get blindsided by another tank, and right on the last shot (for the other tank to destroy me), I'd hop out, be on the side of my tank FACING THE ENEMY TANK, try to hop back in and pop smoke, and end up being blown up.

                Every time this would happen.... ugh, I swear, I felt like slamming my hand down on my monitor.

                Does anyone else do the similar "panic to pop smoke but die in the process" mistake? I HATE IT!


                • #9
                  Nah, I never pop smoke...I just die.


                  • #10
                    I call this the luck of the bail.

                    Sometimes the bail out works for me enough to pull my rocket out and sometimes it doesn't.

                    Personally, I hope they do not change this or add some feature to get out of the back of an APC or tank. If you get lucky enough to bail out of your vehicle and have AT to counter, it should be just that, "lucky".


                    • #11
                      I ALWAYS bail left side - must be automatic in game
                      and am slowly learing to remember point that in the game
                      so, I try to skew my vehicle accordingly
                      ie put right side of vehicle facing battle
                      I get out ok now, but still get hit with secondary explosion half the time

