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"256k or better" vs "T1 Lan"

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  • "256k or better" vs "T1 Lan"

    From an options guide:

    CABLE 256K or BETTER and T1 (LAN): If you don’t have a Cable/DSL connection of at least 256K, don’t play the game! Slow connections speeds from 1 player hurt the performance of all players in the game.

    We suggest always checking the T1 (LAN) connection for the best performance.
    What does this option effect? Will it actually make the game run faster if I put T1 on?

  • #2
    As long as you are not running a server, if will not effect anything.

    I can't remember a game off the top of my head in which changing those setting actually controlled packetsize from the client. Basically what that does, is when you start a server, it will determine the packet size of the data that will be sent out to the other players.

    As a client, it doesn't really matter.

    And slow speeds/high pings do not affect other people playing. That is an old urban myth that just won't die. Since everything is server controlled, and there is a lag correction coded in to he game, it doesn't matter.

    FYI, the lag compenasation is in the server.con file IIRC. I found it digging around when I was bored.


    • #3
      Yes, I thought the high-pings-effecting-everyone was BS, but it seems so often said.
      Thanks for the info.

