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Example of TK (Pic)

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  • Example of TK (Pic)

    I know the next patch will fix this. But this is one good example of a teamkill. On China side, we had a team mate (Red arrow pointing) who didn't show at all even on the small circle (top right corner) map. And he was in front of me. He turned around to see if we was following (Squad). When we have our crosshairs on the player, it shown his name in the color red. I was aware of this, and was very difficult to hold fire, when the player come out from other areas. He kept getting killed by team mates. I sure didn't like it, when he would run towards me, like a mad man, then I realize I get punished. But this is one good case of hesitation (Friendly? or Enemy?).

  • #2 is a better pic I had to edit and upload to another website.

    TeamKill Image


    • #3
      Just last night I TK'ed a friendly because of this same bug. Because I typically only play as a Medic or SF - the guns are the same no matter what army I am in - and have the unlocks for both, I sometimes forget what side I am on. Especially when I get switched several times by the server.

      I have also been on the recieving end of this bug as well. It's a little weird being shot by a team mate when he is staring right at you.


      • #4
        Just a point. This bug can sometimes work in your favour, as in enemies showing as friendly and as such are on the 3d map. I have not experienced this myself but my bro did so he spent the whole game owning this guy. Not exactly fair but it makes up for all the teamkills you get when friendlies show as enemy.


        • #5
          Another wierd one is, he'll have a red name tag, the team your on uniform but will be on the other team. I was playing karkand once and was at the bridge going to defend the flags. I saw someone running towards me and I scoped in on him (I was spec ops). I looked at him and he was mec like me but the name was red. I've seen this bug before but under the circumstancises I decided to kill him. I killed him and got two points but all the sudden it said I was punished for tking. Anyways I looked up his nick to double check and he was indeed on the other team.


          • #6
            Yeah, I noticed when I end up with a Team Kill. You get -2 points or what ever. So, when a friendly teamkills you by mistake. Those -2 points are now at zero. I always forgive for that. So, maybe being Teamkilled by mistake from a friendly is a benefit, than punishing. If it is frequent, for no reason and not a mistake. Then punish I do. It has to be a good cause, to punish. I will judge to punish or not.

