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how to use the grenade launcher properly?

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  • how to use the grenade launcher properly?

    just wondering, because everyone talks about how great it is but I can never seem to do much with it. Do you have to aim above the target or does the grenade travel fast enough to travel the distane without losing any height? Obviously you want the grenade to hit the ground to get some splash damage but I don't know how.

    Any tips? it must be good to be called the "noob-tube"

  • #2
    The "nube-tube" is an AT rocket launcher if I'm not mistaken. It does arc significantly though. I would suggest loading up a singleplayer game and practice, practice, practice.


    • #3
      i posted a long post on a thread about this yesterday....ill try and find it.


      • #4
        found it

        Originally posted by Cotizi
        k here we go:

        Practice is what determines your skills with it. ive shot short or long many many times and got killed countless times without doing any damage to jsut need to get used to the weapon....also...get a height advantage on your opponent. the worst shot u can make is firing up hill due to the sloped trajectory....always fire from a higher elevation if u can....also, fire when your in the air at the top of your jump....people will mistake this for bunny hopping but its not cuz you only need to jump once to get to height and then the target will be dead before u land. never never shoot running doesnt go remotely near where u want it to go....if your running and jumping and shooting always run strait at the target and then wont deviate nearly as much as it does any other way....make use of walls and other terrain objects.....dont go for a direct hit on a target that u can barely see when u can get him with splash damage cuz hes too close to the wall behind him. think before you shoot and get off your highest percentage shot...these are the techniques that work for me and if u look at my stats i used to whore the launcher one time i was 1st overall. anyways ill add something if i can think of it.


        • #5

          1. Aim it in the general direction of the enemy.
          2. Click mouse.
          3. Get points.


          • #6
            Grenade launchers were designed for long distance area damage, but because the blast radius is so small, and it is powerful when it hits the target, everybody uses it at point blank range. Used "properly", or in the hands of a dedicated player, a grenade launcher can be consistantly deadly at 150m.

            Simple visual guide for the grenade launchers.

            Without use of a proper rangefinder, make yourself leader of a squad, and use the Squad Rose ("T" key) to point and target an area, giving you a range on the 3D hud.

            In the below image, I've targeted the wall, exactly 100m away from me. I zoom in for this purpose: notice the ammo bar on the bottom-right. Zoomed in, a grenade launched will hit the area at the very bottom of the screen on level ground, about 105 meters away.

            You can see a dark smoke cloud being pointed to by a red arrow on the second image, the nade landed directly on top of the 100m, exactly where I set the attack command.

            Create a Local server so you can practice alone, become a commander, drop a supply crate, and make your own squad. Just start targeting things at varying distances and see how well you can go just by visual memory to know how high and where to aim.


            • #7
              i love the m203 i kick some booty with it, i tore it up on sharqi paninsula i was defending the contruction site and mec and the middle base with the stinger and there was 3 of them lying by the sandbags by the stinger and i pooped them all witha m203 it was great satisfaction and i repeated this about 3 times in verious other places. this is a deadly weapon when used right.


              • #8
                thanks, Halious, very helpful stuff there.


                • #9
                  Its a skill to weild the granade luncher at far distances and point blank cause one miss calculation and u can end up dead. i think i mastered it , i mean is it good when u granade lunch people from 400ft and get em? well i think so.


                  • #10
                    The grenade launcher in BF2 is crap IMO hardley any spread at all and very underpowered. They should make it like the 203's in AA until then i'll never bother to use it.

                    Thats why when i had a gun to unlock i unlocked the new assault weapon because losing the BF2 203 doesnt bother me as its next to useless.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by big_sammy_b
                      The grenade launcher in BF2 is crap IMO hardley any spread at all and very underpowered. They should make it like the 203's in AA until then i'll never bother to use it.

                      Thats why when i had a gun to unlock i unlocked the new assault weapon because losing the BF2 203 doesnt bother me as its next to useless.

                      i think ur wrong about that one , as long as its in a 1-2 m range of the guy hes dead. i think the rocket luncher is underpowered cause on shot an inch beside somone and he aint dead,


                      • #12
                        a real 203 has a far wider blast area than 1 - 2 metres.


                        • #13
                          But I think the nade launcher is mainly meant for taking care of buggy's, if you want something with a wide area, then you have to get a kit of trowing grenades.


                          • #14
                            they should up the splash damage so it takes out distant targets like a regular nade and so u cant fire from1 foot away and live. they also should reduce it to 3-4 rounds i think.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cotizi
                              they should up the splash damage so it takes out distant targets like a regular nade and so u cant fire from1 foot away and live. they also should reduce it to 3-4 rounds i think.
                              This is difficult though. If they do this it will end up far more of a spamming weapon for flag points and if I had to pick which I would prefer it would be the the abuse of it at short range that we are seeing at the moment.

                              DC had a pretty powerful grenade launcher at one of its releases that would kill the operator if fired to close but would take out groups of 2-3 players with its splash damage and it was terrible for game play. Basically every infantry map was just constant grenade launcher spamming.

