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Next step for BF2

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  • Next step for BF2

    Have any of you given thought to where BF2 is headed for Clans? The entire ranking system is sort of cool but the payoff is extremely lame. Brings back the days of leveling in MMORPG's. Something I do not wish to relive.

    Once the map making tools are released and mods start getting released is anyone going to just say screw the ranking system and go with a good mod on a dedicated server box?

    We are in CAL 8v8 and we are not allowed to use rank. It really sort of defeats the purpose of the ranking system if you ask me... I understand why its like this but it still sucks.

    Ranking is nothing more than $ for EA. They totally stepped all over server ops with BF2. I know many that have expressed utter disgust with EA over the ranking system. The fact they cannot have full control over thier server and all. I totally agree. Waiting for 10 players on our server sometimes takes 45 minutes of 3 more players needed before the game begins. Once its going it will stay full all night but its a ***** starting it.

    Sorry to run on and on. I just really want to know the general thoughts or plans of you clan leaders/server ops out there. I could rent 2 P4 3.0 boxes with a gig ram each for what I am paying for a stupid 30 player ranked server.

  • #2 pub?


    • #3
      Well, it really won't matter because i'm sure someone is going to come out with a mod featureing ALL unlocked weapons as the main weapons! lol....

      I'm sure ranking won't last when FH2, POE2, and DC2 roll out, EA servers will perish!


      • #4
        I wouldn't know. I'm never gonna be in a clan.


        • #5
          Wranger, clans maybe aren't you're style, but you should try a gaming community at least. Something where you play together with most of the same people at least most of the time...

          It REALLY adds a level of play to the game.

          I'd really rather play in a league that allows unlocks. Maybe I'm biased cause my community has a couple badass servers and I'm always there, but it'd be sweet.

          The prices are higher for ranked servers, but not THAT much higher.
          Take this example:

          32 player unranked public server-$63
          32 player ranked public from - $134

          Agreed its definitely higher, but its nothing like everyone was speculating it would be pre-release. People were saying a 64 player server would be $500 a month, etc...
          64 player server, same place: $224 a month. More expensive than unranked, absolutely. But most clans wouldn't need that even, they would just usually get a 32.

          $134 / 12 people on a clan = Just over $10 a month per clan member. That's not very outrageous at all, imo.

          It adds a dimension of competition to the game even outside of the matches themselves to me. "oak, you need to get cooking on your score so you can unlock that pkm. We need two pkm'ers for the clan, two G3's, and a couple shotguns".

          It gives clan members something more to work toward outside of just matches, which helps to bolster participation even on off days. I don't think that's such a bad thing.

          Every clan has the opportunity to recruit members who are more active and get promotions a little faster. If, in a league as I'm picturing, a clan shows up with a couple extra unlocks to help them, thats the result of them working for it.

          Obviously the downside are clans that would sploit to gain an advantage in a match. After watching some vids here, and knowing of clans that blatantly cheated in matches in the past, I doubt it wouldn't happen.

          In an ideal world, there will be a way to stop score exploiting so this feature can be added to leagues in a fair way.


          • #6
            I agree with ya.


            • #7
              Originally posted by <AWOL>Manoe
              We are in CAL 8v8 and we are not allowed to use rank. It really sort of defeats the purpose of the ranking system if you ask me... I understand why its like this but it still sucks.
              That is exactly what I have been saying over the past couple of weeks to the goons that were moaning about if someone joins a clan they will loose all of their ranks and weapon unlocks when they change their name. It doesnt matter, its just a name. They need to keep it a level playing field for both clans playing he match. Basically stats/ranks/weapon unlocks are just there as a novelty, it makes no difference to clan matches as the ladders will want them switched off on the server.

              Personaly, I hate the current ranking syatem as I think it breeds stat whoreness, It was bad enough in BFV.


              • #8
                The thing that sparked this post for me was that we pay dbl the amount of a dedicated server to run the game and have 10% control of it. That we have to wait on the server for the 10 players which is mandatory to start the game. That we suffer to protect thier code which does not EVEN MATTER because people are already hacking it.

                Enough is enough. I am done with the rank system 100%.

