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CoD vs BF2

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  • CoD vs BF2

    Which one would you go with?

  • #2
    I use to play COD but now i play BF2 cause i like the gameplay and graphics better than COD..


    • #3
      this would be better if u had a poll i would go with BF2 for sure when a few more patches come out


      • #4
        You cant compare the two they are totaly different.


        • #5
          yeah how do i make a polll?


          • #6
            I actually enjoyed CoD more than BF2 when it came out. Single player was hands down the most fun I ever had with a game. Multiplayer was just insane also. Since BF2 is newer its not fair to compare to two. CoD focused on their single player whereas BF2 ONLY focused on multiplayer. Ofcourse EA are lazy pigs that are not capable of coming up with a story line with real AI (let alone making a stable game). If CoD didnt spend all that time designing, planning making their AWESOME single player then maybe their multiplayer would be the best out there. CoD beats BF2 in singple player and BF2 may have an edge on its multiplayer. I know im going to buy CoD2 no doubt about it.


            • #7
              Yeah CoD is fantastic because the ingle player was pimp and the multiplayer is amazing and it has over 10 different modes you can pla on mp.Bf2 has 1 :-(


              • #8
                apples to oranges, both are good.


                • #9
                  Never did like COD, BF2 all the way


                  • #10
                    CoD was awesome...but bf2 is tying me over till COD2 Comes out on Xbox360...thats gonna be loads of fun, i think xbox live is the best online system that exists so it should be fun multiplayer experience. (none of that joining server caca lol..)

                    I still love BF2 though....dont get me wrong.


                    • #11
                      Since CoD was nothing but killing the other guy (wherein any gun was just as good as the next, though the MP44 was overpowered), with an ocassional bomb plant or flag capture as a bonus, it lacked the tactically diverse scenario I was looking for. I played it since the day the original came out, got the expansion on release and kept playing it (undesirably, played competetively with clanmates, bored with it otherwise) while waiting for BF2.

                      CoD was the second best singleplayer game I've ever played.
                      I'm only getting COD2 just for the SP, and will stick with BF2 and mods for years to come.


                      • #12
                        Call of Duty 2 in the Fall.. pick it up instead of the wack BF2 expansion..

                        here are some new pics..

                        CoD is my favorite.. but BF2 is a very nice change of pace and a welcomed number three on my games list behind Madden and CoD..


                        • #13
                          I loved the Stalingrad level where you had all these russian charging while yelling then the music setting in. It was just like Enemy at the Gates.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by LittleJDub
                            Which one would you go with?
                            Hehehe. Little JDUB .. how cute!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JDUB
                              Hehehe. Little JDUB .. how cute!
                              lol wtf? fanboy of yours?

                              anyways, i'd pick bf2 over CoD in terms of multiplayer. bf2 offers much more in terms of tactics and diversity, and as unrealistic as some aspects of it are, i found some realism problems in CoD as well (ie. u could chuck a grenade over a 5 story warehouse and pwn ppl in their spawn). however, as for single player, CoD wins hands down, and it was my favorite WWII shooter until Brothers in Arms came out.

