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F.E.A.R SP Demo tommorow

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  • F.E.A.R SP Demo tommorow

    For those who are interested the F.E.A.R Single Player Demo will be released this Friday 5th August. More info here:

  • #2
    WOAH!!! (hey man ) jeez, thank's a lot for this AMAZING news!!! i cant wait!!!


    • #3
      WOW I'm definitally downloading this!! Thanks for the great info!


      • #4
        Interesting THANKS FOR THE INFO!!!!! 1337 b33r f0r u too!


        • #5
          LUSH ! ive been waiting for this...

          1PM ET thats 6PM GMT issnt it ? 5 hours difference ?

          the multiplay demo was limited to subscribers of vileplanet though wasn't it ? is this gonna be free to download the rest of us free thinking individuals ?



          • #6
            Gamespot has it now!! And yes its free. Also a fansite kit available so you can include F.E.A.R logos/screenies/trailers etc into ure site.

            P.S How ya doing CXZAR


            • #7
              anyone played it yet? how is it


              • #8
                im getting it now. 29 hours left


                • #9
                  wow very nice cant wait for that


                  • #10
                    Dude, it is freaking awesome! The gun sounds are awesome, deserving an A-Facking-Plus! The A.I. seems smart, the environment is was really fun! Now people said that Doom 3 was scary and I was like "WTF are you all talking about I didn't even flinch once"

                    Omg...the little girl and all the paranormal things that occur...holy crap dude...

                    I don't want to give away spoilers but I found myself shouting "Ahh Holy Sh*t!" And people in the house were like "Um...what's your problem?"

                    Great game I'll definately get it.

                    I have a feeling the multiplayer will suck though...prob just another run around deathmatch spamming guns with no exciting stuff happening.


                    • #11
                      I tried the F.E.A.R. Demo.

                      It not only blew away my expectations, it shoved them into a wood chipper machine, stomped on them, and then blew them up.

                      Everything was so well put together. The combat is very fast, very exciting. I like how you take as many bullets as your enemies do. With that, the only advantage you have over them is your awesome slow mo ability.

                      I love how there is always so much dust getting kicked up in firefights. So much in fact, that after an intense battle you literally wait for the dust to clear before you can examine the aftermath. That also leads to one minor complaint. It seems that the AI can see through the dust, so that gets annoying in some places. Not to mention bummed out a strategy I thought of during watching the videos.

                      The paranormal stuff, wow, that had me talking like a sailor because of the stuff that happens. Like Chimp, I really do not want to spoil any of what happens. But I'll say that you will go WTF?!, and a minute after you are going to be swearing up and down trying to figure out what is going on.

                      Oh, the graphics. They are beautiful. Now I only have a 3.0ghz and 9800 Pro 256, so I can only run the game on medium, but it looks great. Just to see what if, I cranked all the settings up to max, and just when I thought it could not get any better, I was blown away by how sharp and detailed the textures, models, and shadows were. If you have the machine to run everything on high, you are really in for a treat.

                      This is definitely going to be a must buy. I hope the multiplay is good, because I like the feel of the weapons, like the rifle that shoots 10 mm shells is so awesome.

                      I will say that I have only two dissapointments in the demo. There was a cliffhanger, and not just any cliffhanger, this is one of the most annoying cliffhangers ever. It is so bad, it is comparable to Halo 2s "ending." My second complaint is the weapon sounds. While they do sound cool, they are way too quiet. I want gunfire to drown out all sounds. The way it is now, you can hear footsteps, speech, and other sound effects over the gunfire. I will try again, Chimp says they are awesome, maybe I have some sound settings lowered.

                      This game is so good, that this post is almost incoherent babbling compared to my usual posts.

