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Needs more types of unlocks

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  • Needs more types of unlocks

    Here's an interesting thought I had. Instead of only unlocking guns, how about also being able to unlock other items. Maybe unlock a speed ungrade for vehicles, because that APC or tank could really use the extra boost going up hills. Maybe unlock a better gun or different missles for the chopper or jet you are in. Maybe unlock flashbang nades, or an upgraded helmet. Maybe unlock timed c4, to compliment your remote c4. Or my favorite, an upgrade for your boots, so you can get out of the water or climb hills better and maybe sprint a little longer.

    Instead of foaming at the mouth to release an expansion pack, I feel EA/Dice could add a little more content to the current game.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Tokus Pokus
    Here's an interesting thought I had. Instead of only unlocking guns, how about also being able to unlock other items. Maybe unlock a speed ungrade for vehicles, because that APC or tank could really use the extra boost going up hills. Maybe unlock a better gun or different missles for the chopper or jet you are in. Maybe unlock flashbang nades, or an upgraded helmet. Maybe unlock timed c4, to compliment your remote c4. Or my favorite, an upgrade for your boots, so you can get out of the water or climb hills better and maybe sprint a little longer.

    Instead of foaming at the mouth to release an expansion pack, I feel EA/Dice could add a little more content to the current game.
    Well, a tank/apc upgrade would'nt work because everybody can acess it, but yes, they do need new boots, just hate having to swim in water, aswell as not being able to sprint long.


    • #3
      What I was intending to get at, with the vehicle speed upgrade, was that it would be tagged to your player/stats. Say you get into a vehicle, the server would recognize that you have this upgrade, then apply it to your session in that vehicle. You get out, the vehicle returns to default. This one is kind of a silly idea. But, it would be cool if they could add some new unlockable items, to add a little more dynamics to the game.


      • #4
        at the start of the game i thought all the classes would be the same in terms of sprint distance and armor, and the more you played that class, the higher the sprint and armor levels went up. i was wrong, but i guess that'd be kinda cool. but people would beat you to vehicles, haha

        if they were to add any more unlocks, i'd want a better Pistol. Desert Eagle


        • #5
          i agree, i think they can be more in depth with the specific character specialization so that you can be distinguished more from everyone else....hopefully still retaining some aspect of balance so that noobs dont get completely wasted all the time. (thinks of planetside )


          • #6
            please don't give EA/DICE more thins to really **** up


            • #7
              I want some proximity mines, or laser trip, like in golden eye


              • #8
                Originally posted by LempDogg
                I want some proximity mines, or laser trip, like in golden eye
                I loved the laser trip mines in the first half life, those death matches on our LAN were great fun. But i guess the claymore's in BF2 are their answer to that.


                • #9
                  This is not a Korean RPG! Unlocks are alternatives, not upgrades!

                  You will not get better run speed, you will not get more health or armor, you will not be more accurate, you will not have any benefits that make you more powerful gained from playing longer and having more points than the next guy.

                  The only viable extras are more guns or a new pistol which are no better than the originals.


                  • #10
                    tank apc isn't good for an upgrade, won't work practical.

                    But for example how I would like to see it

                    upgrade for AT guy should be a AA misile louncher
                    and there should be a pistol unock also, (where is that deagle?)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dfr.mav
                      if they were to add any more unlocks, i'd want a better Pistol. Desert Eagle
                      Oh jesus christ no.

                      The pistols seem to be the only weapons that work really well. We dont need whores killing with two shots. But if there was more pistol choices, but the stats were all the same then i would be happy. The expansion, each class should have its own pistol, Seals with the HK Mark 23 or a Sig P226, And SAS with Browning High Power etc.

                      Instead of just guns i think it should alter the whole kit. So if the gun happened to be really good they could balance out the rest of the kit with less explosives etc.

                      Timed C4 would be nice for destroying tanks as often you get killed before you can get away. You just press 5 again to switch the type as you do to change firing modes.


                      • #12
                        BOOTS OF SPEED FOR MY ELVEN ARMY RANGER PLEASE! :cry:


                        • #13
                          I would like the upgades to go faster.
                          THe way its going now i don't need more upgrades.
                          It's just more stuff that i'll never get anyway, bcause i'l never even make it to staff sarge or something like that.


                          • #14
                            Well, with more unlockables, they could make more ranks. They still have the commissioned and noncommissioned officer ranks that they could use.


                            • #15
                              Here's an interesting thought I had. Instead of only unlocking guns, how about also being able to unlock other items. Maybe unlock a speed ungrade for vehicles, because that APC or tank could really use the extra boost going up hills. Maybe unlock a better gun or different missles for the chopper or jet you are in. Maybe unlock flashbang nades, or an upgraded helmet. Maybe unlock timed c4, to compliment your remote c4. Or my favorite, an upgrade for your boots, so you can get out of the water or climb hills better and maybe sprint a little longer.

                              Instead of foaming at the mouth to release an expansion pack, I feel EA/Dice could add a little more content to the current game.
                              Well, they might actually do that in one of their expansions.

