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TK System spoils the fun of BF2

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  • TK System spoils the fun of BF2

    I have grown the absolutely hate the TK system. I'll jump in and about 50% of the time some freak accident will happen and I'll end up with -6 right off the bat.

    Last night I was driving a tank and saw a BH fly right over me, I stopped and started backing up, a friendly apc drive right into the back of me and exploded...
    Team kill + Punish. WTF?

    Or another situation, I'm chasing an F-15, I just got a lock, I unload all my missles, no one else in view that I can see. Missles completely ignore locked target and fly off somwhere else.....Teamkillls + Punish.... WTF?

    Or as an engineer, I see an enemy tank headed for our base, friendly tank starts firing at it. I drop mines across the road so enemy tank can't come in. I make certain to leave one side open so friendly tank can get past mines.
    Teamkills + Punish, WTF!@#!@#$

    This more than any other issue is just killing the enjoyment of the game.

    Frankly I'd rather they just turn the @#$@ off till it's fixed cause it sux @$$.

  • #2
    That's the problem my man, if they do turn it off then you won't be able to punish those bastards that would teamkill on purpose.


    • #3
      The other night I started with -4 before I had even spawned for the first time. The game is great but needs work!


      • #4
        It would be whole lot worse without a TK system. Think about it.. Theres no other way.

        It's perfect IMO


        • #5
          The only thing I hate is when you slightly bump someone with a vehicle and they die isntantly. As if you rammed them at full speed when actually you were only going about 2 MPH when you hit them.

          It's not really a TK issue though thats more of a collision issue. I think they should bounce back a bit if you bump someone.


          • #6
            Come to -=ATU=- We leave the punish off option off all the time.

            It is the admin's job to punish the idiot tker's.

            Even if their isn't an admin actually in game we have an admin that checks in periodically remotely to remove people with obvious negative scores.

   reg port.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Soda
              That's the problem my man, if they do turn it off then you won't be able to punish those bastards that would teamkill on purpose.
              Yeah but how does punishing players actually help anything? I would much rather there be a kick vote system that actually worked (IE didn't require more votes than there are players on your team) than have this tk system in place. It's awful.

              The whole problem with this tk system is you get penalized for a teamkill regardless if you are forgiven or not. Then if you are not forgiven you get 2x the penalty. The whole point of asking that question should be to help the game determine if the teamkill was intentional.

              If someone chooses not ot punish it should tell the game, hey, that was a freak accident and he doesn't deserver negative points.


              • #8
                I agree completely... the TK punishment in this game is keeping from playing much anymore, and will probably be what leads me to shelf it permanently unless it gets fixed.

                Saturday, played on a server for almost 5 hours. I had the top score on my team just about every round... was driving people around in the chopper, helping people out as much as possible, etc. I had a full helicopter and got rammed by an opposing Apache. This sent me spinning out of control and I eventually hit a building a blew up. What did I get after spending the whole round as a taxi driver for a bunch of people? 4 TK punishes! WTF?!?

                I NEVER punish when people do stupid **** like back up over me, blow me up with mines, etc.

                Usually you'll notice that the people that punish are the ones that aren't very good... thier scores are usually around the middle of the pack or at the bottom. They see this as the great equalizer... the way they can move up in the round score. Screw that.

                Fix this EA or you'll see a lot of empty servers in the coming months.


                • #9
                  I have grown the absolutely hate the TK system. I'll jump in and about 50% of the time some freak accident will happen and I'll end up with -6 right off the bat.
                  -6 points ? easy, play harder and kill 3 mofos.

