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RAM question

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  • RAM question

    At one point, I had 1.5 gb of ram, but at the time, I borrowed a low-lantacy stick from a friend of mine to see if BF2 really benefited from just 1.5 gb of ram. A week later I had to give it up, but BF2 ran fine. I then recently managed to get a new set of ram (OCZ ram, 2-3-3-6), but when I added the OCZ + a old stick of 512 that I thought was 2.5-3-3-7, my timings went to 3-3-3-8 =X

    So..what is better? 1.0 gb of low latancy ram @ 2-3-3-6, or 1.5 gb of ram thats sitting @ 3-3-3-8? This is mainly for BF2 and WoW performance, but I know both games benefit from extra ram. But...I was told by a few good friends to stick with the low latancy. Days later, I like the stablity, but the random studdering is annoying XD;

  • #2
    Tough question really. I would imagine the difference in Latency timmings only amounts to no more than 1 FPS???? Whereas and extra 512MB will help loading times/switching to windows etc.

    I would go for the extra RAM. Do some timedemo tests to test the FPS difference.


    • #3
      Is you Gfx card 128MB? If it is reducing texture and terrain quality to low will cure the stuttering. Medium need min of 256MB Vram to run stutter free.


      • #4
        I would say more ram is better. This game uses a lot of memory. There's of course certain performance gains when using high quality memory, but having 2 gigs of normal ram is better than having a computer with fast ram still running out of memory. Best thing of course is to get 2 gigs of HQ ram.

        btw, you can try to overclock normal memory as well. Kingston, Corsair or any good brand can operate with faster timings easily.


        • #5
          3-3-3-8 Is not bad latency at all, I have 1 GB at that latency because I overclock my RAM. But I'm getting some more RAM soon, at least 512, but more likely 1 GB.

