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Still hearing the battlefield in my head after game is off

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  • Still hearing the battlefield in my head after game is off

    I got the game the first day it came out and just got 1,000 points on Friday. 4-5 weeks later. Never had time to play it much.

    I played it non stop since Friday with headphones on and now I have 2,200 points. 1,200 points in 3 days.

    I came into work Monday morning with no sleep since saturday. I played BF2 all night/morning since Friday afternoon. Little breaks here and there for food or a little bit of tv.

    I kept on hearing the sounds of the battlefield walking in the building. Once inside, the noise from the overhead AC unit turned into the sounds of overhead choppers. I kept on hearing enemy bullets firing at me at different times during the day and artillery fire.

    Too much Battlefield 2 and not enough sleep drove me nuts :ar15:

  • #2
    I've read that the best way to fight 'the sounds of the game' is turning the radio on I had the same thing while playing Baldur's Gate 2 (two weeks straight). Once I woke up with high temperature and saw Keldorn sitting next to my bed That was like 'wow, I'm seriously ill'


    • #3
      Right now I got the side of my PC open and I am hearing the sounds along with the beeping from jeeps. I'm going to lay off the game for a week. Need to get some stuff done anyways.


      • #4
        This seems to be a big problem for a few people I know.

        Yes the game isn't finished and is full of bugs - but I can't stop playing it to go to bed... when I do sleep, I dream Battlefield... at work (here) I have to drift around the web (and TotalBF2 forums of course!) for more BF2 info. I have nothing to say in "real life" casual conversation anymore, except if someone wants to talk about BF2. Even then I don't feel right because there isn't a "B" key in front of me...

        To the mental health services: "We need support, do you copy?"


        • #5
          well i hear it at home, and i hear it at work (EA) so i cant really get away from it, but it does make me feel better that i might not be totaly insane


          • #6
            I go to sleep re-fighting the last few rounds, my head buzzing so much it takes ages to get to sleep. I've stopped playing it right before going to bed, you need to do something else or you're stuck with it all night.


            • #7
              eh, all I really do is think about how much fun I had the night before playing BF2. But its been a while since I've played, since my damn computer keeps locking up


              • #8
                Ah, don't worry man, I get the same. The sounds when the addrenalin starts pumpin during an intense battle just sticks in my head for hours and I can't even fall asleep at night



                • #9
                  Yeah its a nightmare i seem to get to work every morning with a hangover and mega tired and im like 'right tonight i'm having a night off' but by lunchtime it goes out of the window and i just want to get back home so i can play again.

                  I know a few people who've said its getting out of hand for them :S


                  • #10
                    at lunch time, im sick of playing this crummy console version, and i just wanna get home to play the PC version... i too also get that weird hangover feeling in the morning, even when not drinking... BF2 hangovers? mmmmmmm


                    • #11
                      The noises you hear is called 'post tramatic stress syndrome'. It becomming quite common amoungst you adult FPS players. Do the nightmares keep you awake at night? You may want to seek out a professional who can preform regression therapy on you. In many cases it helps the patient to undergo hypnosis to recall all of the events assosiated to the trauma exposure.

                      Haha... imagine some guy laying on a couch in a shrinks office bringing out all is BF2 agressions. He be makin all the explosion and gun sounds with his mouth... shouting out BF2 voice commands. That would be hilarious.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by [120mm]Tefty
                        at lunch time, im sick of playing this crummy console version, and i just wanna get home to play the PC version... i too also get that weird hangover feeling in the morning, even when not drinking... BF2 hangovers? mmmmmmm
                        hehe well mines definatley alcohol related :P Although if it wasn't for bf i don't think i'd drink so much beer.

                        Although the tiredness and blurrred vision can be put down to BF2 directly i think.


                        • #13
                          man. i kept hearing the blips of enemies on UAV in my head o_o


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by toXicRabbit
                            man. i kept hearing the blips of enemies on UAV in my head o_o
                            Yea dude, I kinda have that sometimes too.


                            • #15
                              yeah you can get it from any game given enough time, i remember back in the day when i used to play mario kart on the SNES all the time after a while when i went to sleep all i could see was myself going around the tracks in my head ...

