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Over 2hrs......and still no BFHQ update

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  • Over 2hrs......and still no BFHQ update

    This is unbeliveable, after playing for weeks now, tonight Im finally at the rank of Corporal and I cannot select my dam weapon unlock.. this is so FING annoying.

  • #2
    i know, bout 3 hours ago i just got 5 badges in 1 round and like 90 pts... none have showed up yet


    • #3
      im worried.. these last three hrs ive played the best ive ever played and got liek 2 ribbons...#)*$@) Ea if they dont update


      • #4
        This happened to me yesterday. None of my stats updated, but I woke up this morning and saw that they updated. Im gonna go get my 100 points to get the pkm, see you guys later!


        • #5
          yes, that is what I want to unlock the PKM...but EA tells me "no BFHQ update for u"... guess ill leave and check in a few more hours...haha what a joke


          • #6
            I like how you all are acting all surprised and angry as if it's the first time.. I mean yeah it sucks but it happens to everyone


            • #7
              Ya Im not suprised at all but, being the fact that I have a life and only have certain times that I can play this is annoying... plus it makes me feel better venting and reading responces by others who are in the same boat


              • #8
                okay restart your computer and start the game up it worked for me and it might as a last resort for you


                • #9
                  Sometimes it could take days.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by atarigod2600
                    I like how you all are acting all surprised and angry as if it's the first time.. I mean yeah it sucks but it happens to everyone
                    I am surprised... most delay for me was 1-2 hours
                    and those delays that took a day only happened the first week of release.. but after that was fine


                    • #11
                      Dude just relax, just go home and do your girlfriend and it will be there in the morning. Oh wait...........


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sturmvogel
                        Dude just relax, just go home and do your girlfriend and it will be there in the morning. Oh wait...........
                        not to worry sturmvogel i'm sure you can fill in for his lack of girlfriend...


                        • #13
                          Yes, i'm sure you can.


                          • #14
                            We just got to wait and see what EA will say 'bout that


                            • #15
                              Ok... before we all loose our heads here and start flaming each other, it does take a few hours, I noticed it took several (read: 10+ hours) to get my ranks up. If it's late at night, just go to bed, and play again in the morning. If it's early in the morning, go out, get some sunshine, go play some more, and eventually it'll kick in. I'm starting to suspect ranks are only tracked every few hours or something fishy like that, like maybe every 6 hours or so, either that, or the coding that tracks ranks is bugged pr simply coded badly somewhere, possibly causing some lag. Thats my theory...

